Slant Six Forum

Secret Audio Stereo
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Author:  jamchico [ Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Secret Audio Stereo

:?: I am thinking of installing one in my car. Does anyone have one, or know anyone that does? Recommend ???

Author:  Pierre [ Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  car audio

How much are you looking to spend? That is the first thing you should decide, then from there you can get an idea of what best you can get for your budget. Check out their stuff is highly acclaimed. That stuff is best bang for the buck, and most often best bang too.

Author:  Guest [ Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

This seems to be the only alternative to cutting my dash. I'm hoping it will discourage theft, keep my "look" classic, and provide me with stereo/cd option. So if anyone is using this product I'd like a hands on evalutation.

Author:  Pierre [ Thu Mar 13, 2003 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  whoopsy

Sorry, I didn't realize that is a retail product, I thought you wanted to do your own stealth installation. Heres an idea for you, you can install it in your glovebox (might need to cutout the back because radio is probably longer then glove is). Then you can control it from drivers seat with an infrared remote. Most decent decks these days come with infra-red remotes.

If you feel like being spendy, I recall once year one could take your original radio, replace the guts with modern electronics and add cd, etc.. but it was costly, above $1000 I recall. Not sure if this service is offered.

Author:  jamchico [ Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:20 am ]
Post subject:  Secret Audio Stereo

I considered the glove. The problem for me is 1: I would have to leave the glove box door hanging open while I'm using the remote,or 2: I would have to cut the glovebox door to put in access for the remote. Also either way I lose the use of the big ol' glovebox:(

Author:  slantlover [ Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Secret Audio Stereo

Not sure what model car you have. But I have often considered building a console that would transition from under the dash (tons of room) to the floor. It could be carpeted to match, there could be black plexiglass covers over stereo components, and there should even be room for a couple of front speakers. Stock radio stays where it is, dash is unmolested, and if you want to return to stock, take out the whole thing. Also, it would be safer since it is centrally located and easier to reach.


Author:  SlantedSix225 [ Sat Mar 15, 2003 5:54 am ]
Post subject: 

If you don't like the idea of leaving the glove box open to use the remote, how about going with a Blaupunkt head unit? Most of them come with an infrared eye about the size of a dime that is on an extended wire that plugs into the back, as well as the standard eye on the face so you can use a thumb type steering wheel control. That is what I used in my 63 Valiant, my install is designed to look "old school," although it's definitely not stock! Check out my site.
Dan M. ... ix225.html

Author:  Guest [ Sat Mar 15, 2003 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Secret Stereo

:shock: OK, you are FREAK! What amazing work and imagination. You are way out of my league. I talked to a few shops in my area about alternatives and none ever mentioned an add on infra red eye. If this can be done, why don't all lot of people have this kind of setup? Are there some limitations? Secret Audio is the only company out there that's advertising the hidden setup. Older vehicles (especially ones with wing windows) are easy hits for theft. Theres a local company that makes a fiberglass kickpanel piece ($35ea) that allows depth and angle.

Author:  SlantedSix225 [ Sun Mar 16, 2003 7:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Freak :?: Well, I guess so. I'm an artist that customizes cars (at least for now)! As for limitations with the Blaupunkt, very few. What I did was to hard wire the "thummer" into small rocker type momentary switches mounted in little pods on my steering wheel and mount the nine volt battery behind the horn center cap, but the unmodified control on the upper models can operate volume, bass, treble, fade, balance, track, mute, radio station presets, scan, and source. Just about the only thing you need to get to the head unit for is to change discs or set op the equalization. There are other ways to control a hidden head unit besides using the Blaupunkt radio with it's built in IR extension. I believe PAC makes an adapter that can be used as an IF repeater, but it's defiantly easier and less expensive to just go with the Blaupunkt unit. The PAC unit is also a bit confusing to program, and occasionally the loose memory and need reprogramed. Blaupunkt quality throughout their line however is not very linear. The "entry level" models, in my opinion, aren't that great, but any one of their mid to top units are excellent. Another option if you're really good at soldering is to use any quality unit that has a detachable face that only uses wired connections (not buttons through little posts through the face like the really cheap K-mart $69 dollar specials) and run a ribbon cable up to the visor where the face can be mounted. Pretty cool, but trust me, a lot of work, and easy to screw up! I wrote a paper about slant six stereo upgrades. If you want a copy (Microsoft Word), I can send it to you via an email attachment. It covers a lot of the basics of good system design and some other stuff that I think could help you save some money in the long run.
Dan M.

Author:  jamchico [ Sun Mar 16, 2003 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Secret Audio Stereo

:idea: Is this paper in the archives? If not, it should be. I'm sure there are lots of members who would be interested! Please send me copy. I will probably have to get some local help to explain parts to me :) but I am willing to give it shot.
Thanks for your help

Author:  SlantedSix225 [ Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Allen, In the paper I tried to explain what you should be trying to do, and suggested ways to do it. It covers the basics of system design from a "deck & four" (head unit and four speakers) through amplified systems and wiring tips for older cars. Not a lot about sub box design, but a pretty good explanation of why to have them. That paper will be next. Feel free to ask any questions. Check your email for the attachment
Dan M.

Author:  SlantedSix225 [ Mon Mar 17, 2003 6:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Allen, I had another thought, rather than cutting your glove box, you could just mount the Blaupunkt under the drivers seat. With the remote IR eye on the dash, the only time you really need to get to it is to change disks. You could even add a changer, plenty of room under there!
Dan M.

Author:  Chuck [ Sun Apr 13, 2003 12:29 am ]
Post subject: 


If you send me a copy of that article, I will try to convert it to HTML and post it in the Articles section.

Author:  SlantedSix225 [ Sun Apr 13, 2003 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Article coming soon

Chuck, I'm in the process of rewriting the article with a few updates. I also took the time to learn HTML, something I've wanted to do for a long time. I'm including a section on sub box construction, and tips on fiberglass fabrication. My schedule is kind of tight right now, but I should have it done in a week or two.
Dan M.

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