Slant Six Forum

Dutra dual exhaust help
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Author:  Maritimer [ Wed May 22, 2013 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Dutra dual exhaust help

looking for advise on exhaust set-up with Dutra Duals...I have front & rear castings. Mechanic doing super six set-up on my 68 Dart Slant six 225. Put in a mini starter for we need a heat shield also? I want a dual exhaust out the rear instead of single pipe. What's a good "route/set-up?

Only thing I couldn't get was kickdown linkage. Found used Two barrel intake & air cleaner assembly, heads milled & bought a new 2-bbl carb.

Author:  Doc [ Wed May 22, 2013 2:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

A 67 and later A-Body makes the dual pipe install pretty easy.
This is a common "muscle car" vehicle so the pipe design and tube bending "templates" are out there.. and you may-be able to source some pre-bent V 8 pipes, you can use to get most of the system made.

As for the "head pipes", coming off the Dutra manifolds, those will have to be custom made.
The only tip is to be sure to cut over to the right side, in a way that does not "trap" the transmission. The factory did this by running the pipe in between the steering center-link and the front of the tranmission's bellhousing. Crossing over just pass the trans tail housing also works.

Consider puting a "balance tube" between the two seperate pipes to reduce harmonic resonance.

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