Slant Six Forum

Dart with 225 for Towing?
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Author:  ILMopars [ Sat May 25, 2013 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Dart with 225 for Towing?

According to the factory literature you can tow up to 1000lbs with a 225. Has anyone ever done this? Have you? I'm just curious about this topic.

Author:  Junior [ Sat May 25, 2013 7:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

i have personally towed many cars with my 66 valiant with a bumper hitch and a tow dolly. never had a problem. just make sure to leave yourself room to stop.

Author:  nuttyprof [ Sat May 25, 2013 8:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I towed a tandem axle trailer with about 7k# on it from southern OK to NE with a D200 crew cab that was already loaded with a 4k# slide in camper and about 1000# of books, My truck had a 225 with around 300,000 miles on it. My average mpg for the whole 600+ miles was 11 and I ran 65-70 mph. Yes it is a truck, but the 225 can handle the load if the vehicle is up to it.

Author:  Joshie225 [ Sun May 26, 2013 9:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I towed a 5x8' enclosed U-haul from Mississippi to California with a '72 Duster. I had a receiver hitch welded to the rear subframe and the car was factory equipped with disc brakes. 9" drums would have been madness and the 2.76 gears were horrible. My Kingdom for 3.23s! The 185/75R14 tires on 4.5" wide wheels were terrible for sway control in cross winds. Wider wheels and tires would have been safer. My '74 D100 with a 225 and 3.55 gears was a much better tow rig. My '73 B300 with a 318 and 4.10 geared Dana 60 was better yet.

What do you want to tow?

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sun May 26, 2013 10:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, I towed my 19' Reinell with a Volvo 170 inboard for many years with a 76 Volare. Went from the house north of Bellingham down the freeway to Fairhaven launching ramp. It is a little slow getting up to speed with a 1 barrel but with a Super Six 2 barrel it is fine. Never had a problem pulling the boat up the launching ramp.

On my current 74 Dart I have a hitch from hell under it and tow my son's 68 Chev pick up back from Pacific Raceway every time he breaks a drive shaft pulling wheelies.

With 2.76 gears and a 904 you just have to start out gentle, once you get going it pulls good. I generally run BFG 60 series tires in the back for more stability on longer rigs like the 19' boat trailer. Otherwise I use P215 70's.

Author:  ILMopars [ Sun May 26, 2013 11:09 am ]
Post subject: 

I ask because my plan with the car is to retire it in july then save up for a restoration. I was going to beef up the 225 w/possible BBD, then add .89" torsion bars, sway bar, 6 leaf springs with an 8 3/4" w/3.23 SG, upgrade fronts to KH disc (still manual brakes), rebuild the 904, used polyurethane/polygraphite bushings where possible.

Or go with a factory by the numbers restoration to stock. but with the beefier powertrain less axle upgrade.

I guess I'm looking to build a highway/economy/utilitarian car that still has decent power.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun May 26, 2013 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Lol..

My dad used to tow his boat to the river for fishing or hunting ducks 4 decades back using my mom's '68 Valiant...3 on the tree with 9" drum all four corners...trailer and boat probably close to 2000 lbs...never skipped a beat (it was a younger car back then and under 100,000 miles too).


Author:  Rob Simmons [ Sun May 26, 2013 3:59 pm ]
Post subject: 


Stock 225 with a 1 barrel carb and 2.76 gears towing another Duster on a dolly...

She did okay on a 125 tow to a race and back.

The 1 barrel and 2.76 gears made for a slow take off and a bit of a struggle on bigger hills.

Author:  ILMopars [ Sun May 26, 2013 5:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds good for the most part, I will be adding different cam and doing some other work to beef it up and get some more power out of it, just don't know how to start.

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