Slant Six Forum

Hood hinge mounting questions for 67-76 A bodies.
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Author:  Sam Powell [ Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Hood hinge mounting questions for 67-76 A bodies.

I removed the hood hinges years ago in favor of struts when the hood was plastic. The plastic hood is gone and I need to put the hinges back on. Does anybody have a photo or diagram, or link to one of how these hinges mount? The factory manual does not show it. It simply says remove and replace, kind of assuming if you see it now, you can put it back on. These are all gone from the yards around here, so I don't have access to salvage yard ones to look at. Thanks much.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Sorry about the picture quality...


Sorry about the quality, this was taken 12 years back when I was putting my Feather Duster back together(love them old 1MP cameras)...Basically you will need to remove the fender or pull the bolts so you can get in there, the hinge will attach to the studs using a set of special washers that have a crimp on the inside to hold the hinge to the studs at the top of the cowl drip rail.

Too bad you don't have a 'late' manual the 1976 manual shows a mounting picture on Page 23-96 Figure-1 for "Hood Adjustment".


Author:  Sam Powell [ Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

HI DI. Thanks. I figured out how they go by finding a repair service on line that had a photo of the hinges assembled. So I know how they go together, but cannot get the spring wrapped up where it has to go. I imagine there is either a trick to this, or a special tool. I have posted on the parts wanted section for a complete set of hinges. It is probably quickest to just get replacements if I cannot figure out how to get the springs wrapped without killing myself.

Here is the link for the service with the photo on the page.

I have not asked if they have them for sale. Anybody out there got a pair in their junk drawers? This is 67-76. Thanks.


Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Ugghhh....

Where were you 2 weeks ago when I had a pair of 1976 Fe5 red hinges in my hand... :lol:

Unless someone is closer, I will check my stash to see where I put them...


Author:  Sam Powell [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Please do check. I would appreciate it. I took a running car and took the bumper off to remove the now inoperative intercooler. One thing led to another, as always, and now the right fender is off, and I do not want to put it back together without a pair of good hinges on the hood. I do not know if you know what happens when you take the springs off. The hood rattles like crazy when you hit a big bump. It sounds like the door is falling off. The upper door hinge is actually right next to the hood hinge. It took me awhile to figure out what was causing it.

So now the Dart is a project on the lift. I am eager to get it put back together. Thanks.

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