Slant Six Forum

Fuel issue
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Author:  Dltarnnr [ Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Fuel issue

Started off with having to dump gas down carb to get it
going when cold.After driving around she starts up
no problem.Rebuilt holley 1920 from summit and same
thing.Replaced fuel pump and filter,same results.Added
some sea foam to tank and managed to louse up rebuilt
carb .Put old carb back on and blew air thru lines and took
out tank unit to check its filter.The only thing I found was
that the tank unit is not for this car cause they braised another
float arm to it.I will fix that and new carb later.If I messed up
the new fuel pump wouldn't it remain messed up.I still take it
to work but it is also sucking up the gas like a 383.The car
is a 63 Dodge 440.Stuck on stupid and 2years of steppin
in Dodge poop.I complain but I know im almost there with
wiring ,engine,trans etc. Comments please .John

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Couple ideas...

If you have done all the above, and you can put a can under the fuel line disconnected from the carb and roll the engine over and get some healthy squirts then the fuel system is working up to that point (if not something is still blocked), the next item would be the choke and making sure that it is working properly and not getting stuck....

The other problems that might be adding to this issue is timing chain slippage and or the distributor vacuum pod may be blown (that'll kill fuel economy pretty well).


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