Slant Six Forum

carburator problems?
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Author:  Mandersson [ Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  carburator problems?

i adjust the carb so the engine has a smooth idle and trottle respons, but when drive it the idle is too lean so it will die when i slows down for a red light for example but if i pull the choke its smooth and perfect again. its a 225 automatic with a carter 1 barrel.

Author:  crater [ Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:36 am ]
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Have you tried playing with the mixture screw to make sure it isn't too lean at low RPMs?

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

A thought........
I don't go below 750 rpm out of gear with an automatic when adjusting the idle mixture or timing. Mine will idle all day at 600 rpm in gear, in traffic with all the electronics running, lights, heater, wipers, electric cooling fans, etc. and still break the tires loose at a light.

Author:  Mandersson [ Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:20 am ]
Post subject: 

i cleaned the carb and now its runs perfectly. 550 rpms in gear

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 


In your climate I would install a fuel water separator like we run on marine engines. It will really make a big difference and go a lone way to help keeping the carb clean. I installed on one that uses a spin on canister about 10 years ago. The carb stays nice and clean! No more saltwater in the carb or any signs of corrosion. I have some pictures of mine on the red link below.

Author:  dartfordoor [ Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:55 pm ]
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Agressive Ted;

I was admiring your engine bay, was wondering if you removed the vaccum amplifer, almost looks like a hockey puck on it side with about 5 hoses coming out of it, also got a larger radiator and trying to replace the 4 bladed fan is a chore, I don't think any clutch would fit, had 2 and they were just too long, I tried a couple flex fan blade and so far they don't clear the steering pump, I ordered a smaller blade(from 19" to 17"), will find out later this week. Next step will probably be electric fan, notice your 16" one has a close fit, seems plenty of room for the dual 9", something to consider. thanks Jerry

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:11 pm ]
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Yes, the hockey puck and EGR system is long gone....

I am using that port on the side of the carb for water injection since it dumps in right above the venturi and mixes well at that point. Sufficient suction is created in the venturi at 2000 rpm to draw the alcohol/water mix in. It works much better than the EGR to knock back the extra timing I use to maximize mileage. Besides keeps the combustion chamber carbon free. I can get away with 58-60 degrees timing in the winter months and 50-52 degrees in the hot summers.

On the clutch fan, I ordered the one out of Summit Racing and used it for a number years before going to the electric fans. The electric fans just allow the engine to warm up faster for better mileage and eliminates heat soak on hot starts on hot days. Start ups are cranking. The little gear drive starter helps the engine cool much quicker too! It really spins the engine over fast! Can't get your hand off the key fast enough........

Those picks are over a period of time so you can see before and after shots. The latest one's show the Jeg's air/oil separator install to keep the oil out of the intake manifold and combustion chamber. The engine runs very crisp for an old worn motor. It took a few weeks to clear but it idles perfectly at 550 rpm for hours while creaping in traffic.

Author:  dartfordoor [ Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Agressive Ted;

Thanks, I think I am going to use an electric fan.

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