Slant Six Forum

pertronix failed again !!!
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Author:  chucksrodgarage [ Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  pertronix failed again !!!

i decided to go to pertronix for my slant in a 40 project a couple summers ago. the first one lasted about 800 miles. it was replaced under warranty. (only put me down for three weeks waiting)
the new one lasted an incredible 500 miles, and left me having to tow it home with the bobcat.
i have gone through all the checks that pertronix recommended. it is a igniter 2, so not running a ballast resistor as recommended, the coil has the proper ohm readings. i really want to continue with electronic ignition, but am tired of it dying on me.
any ideas on this before i contact pertronix??
i put the points dizzy back in till i can decide what to do.

Author:  Joshie225 [ Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Factory parts will save lots of down time. The Pertronix is too small to reliably switch the coil current with the poor cooling they receive. Look at the size of the Chrysler ignition module transistor and heat sink. They are much larger and more reliable. HEI modules use the distrbutor as a heat sink. The Pertronix doesn't have the cooling of the distributor body so they die.

Author:  ceej [ Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Put a Mallory Unilite distributor in. Install an MSD Blaster II coil.

Follow the applicable instructions, and no more trouble. You don't need a vacuum advance, right? Vacuum is for the mileage crowd, not the Hot Rod folks.


Author:  Charrlie_S [ Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Put a Mallory Unilite distributor in. Install an MSD Blaster II coil.

Follow the applicable instructions, and no more trouble. You don't need a vacuum advance, right? Vacuum is for the mileage crowd, not the Hot Rod folks.

Unilite distributer has a module that can fail, and has to be ordered, also. Plus as you stated no vacuum advance, and costs someware around $300.

Why not use a Mopar slant six electronic distributer, and do the HEI setup? Reliable, simple, and parts are available at any parts store. Instructions are on this site.

Author:  chucksrodgarage [ Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:07 am ]
Post subject: 

mallory did have a lot of module trouble , but that was 25 years ago, but i haven't used one since. they may be better, but i'm leaning towards the mopar-gm setup if i decide not to use the points again.

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