Slant Six Forum

Lifter/tappet bore cleaner
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Author:  wvenable [ Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Lifter/tappet bore cleaner

Pulled the cam out of Chase's runnin' engine to get it reground @ OCG. The engine had plenty of grime, sludge, and varnish. The lifters would not budge - soaked the livin' hell out of them to get em to move. Had to drive em out with a stout wooden dowel. Lifter bores still full of varnish. Bought new ones - cheaper than getting them ground.

Found a cylinder shaped brush from the Webber grill folks. Two brushes on the end of a plastic handle for cleaning the grill after the cheeseburgers have come off. Cut one brush off the tool to make it work. Grabbed some PB Blaster and soaked the brush - turned and pushed it through the lifter bore and... squeaky clean. New lubricated lifters started in and fell out. The brush was the perfect size. Red and grey tag on the product - the number is 6496. Worked like a charm. Poser approved! :shock:

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