Slant Six Forum

Boost, Lots Of It, And Lots Of Hp/Tq
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Author:  805moparkid [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Boost, Lots Of It, And Lots Of Hp/Tq

ok guys im going into a grey area for me... blowers on slants! please dont try to talk me into turbo's, dont want to. What i need to know is previous examples of guys who have built blown slant cars street or race on gas. any info would be great!

the plan is a 62 lancer lightened up to 2700 lbs, 200R4 and 8.75 out back. the goal is to get into the 10's with a street driven car. loosley i figure i'll need 400hp to meet that goal.

so again if you guys have links on figuring needed stuff or combo's to model after that would be awesome!


Author:  CNC-Dude [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

What blower are you going to use. The M90 style is really popular with other inline brands and can deliver 20 pounds of boost pretty easily(more if ported) and are inexpensive and can fit under the hoods of most cars with no problem.

Author:  805moparkid [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

What blower are you going to use. The M90 style is really popular with other inline brands and can deliver 20 pounds of boost pretty easily(more if ported) and are inexpensive and can fit under the hoods of most cars with no problem.
wow thats great! i have had a hard timing finding any specs on it! i was looking into slantscamps build and pm'd him a sec ago for info.

for the blower im looking at the M90 or even a 4/71, i would rather go a little bigger on the blower and keep the heat and rpm down, and make my hp goal than be on the edge.

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

You can step up to a M112 blower then and have all you need. Plus there cheap to find and a much more modern design than the traditional 4 or 6-71's. They are also going to be easier to fab up because they have many different snout lengths, thats one reason they are so popular for the inline guys.

Here's one now just for instance: ... eb&vxp=mtr

Author:  805moparkid [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

You can step up to a M112 blower then and have all you need. Plus there cheap to find and a much more modern design than the traditional 4 or 6-71's. They are also going to be easier to fab up because they have many different snout lengths, thats one reason they are so popular for the inline guys.
does that come off a stock car? who makes it and supplies parts?

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry, I was adding a link and you beat me too it. Look at my previous post for the link.

Author:  805moparkid [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

oh thats nice! and it has a side intake!

Author:  805moparkid [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

any issues with having fuel takeing the coating off the blades?

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

I doubt it, they are a factory OEM item on a lot of Mustangs and Camaros and even Jags. Even the Pontiac Bonneville SSE V6 had one. So I think from the reliabilty standpoint, they are the best of both worlds as far as longevity and performance for the money. Like I said, its a very modern, proven design that is commonplace in a lot of apps.

Author:  805moparkid [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

I doubt it, they are a factory OEM item on a lot of Mustangs and Camaros and even Jags. Even the Pontiac Bonneville SSE V6 had one. So I think from the reliabilty standpoint, they are the best of both worlds as far as longevity and performance for the money. Like I said, its a very modern, proven design that is commonplace in a lot of apps.
cool thanks! where would i go to get different snouts and someone to rebuild it?

P.S. i never even noticed the boost section lol... doh!

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

There are dozens on ebay. You can also scout around on some of the late model Mustang forums and LS1Tech is a Camaro forum also. These blowers are really user friendly and you can do it all yourself. I did a bearing replacement in a snout for a guy with the Bonneville in 10 minutes without ever having seen one before in my life, except in pics.

Author:  805moparkid [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

There are dozens on ebay. You can also scout around on some of the late model Mustang forums and LS1Tech is a Camaro forum also. These blowers are really user friendly and you can do it all yourself. I did a bearing replacement in a snout for a guy with the Bonneville in 10 minutes without ever having seen one before in my life, except in pics.
hmm ok, is the snout splined so you can just swapped it out?

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

No, it has a hard rubber coupling that connects the end of the shaft to the blower impellers. So both the snout and the blower are each sealed seperately from each other. Thats why there so simple.

Author:  805moparkid [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

No, it has a hard rubber coupling that connects the end of the shaft to the blower impellers. So both the snout and the blower are each sealed seperately from each other. Thats why there so simple.
nice! do you think there would be any issues with that 90* turn into the blower?

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

What do you mean ?

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