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1964 Valiant Convertible windshield replace -- questions
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Author:  carnivorous chicken [ Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  1964 Valiant Convertible windshield replace -- questions

Hi All,
I need to replace the windshield in my '64 Valiant convertible. I have been running around (figuratively, I guess, on the internet and phone) trying to come up with everything. Looks like I have sourced a windshield and moulding, but not a locking strip. A buddy gave me a part # (WLS848) that he said should work -- shows for 80s trucks, but also 63-66 Valiant, Dart, Cuda. At Steel Rubber they've got one that shows for 63-66 Valiant, Dart, Cuda (part #s 70-1918-52 and 70-1919-52). Pilkington has the former, but doesn't show it for the Valaint, etc. Steel doesn't show it for the convertible. So I guess my question is this: is the locking strip for the convertible the same as 2-doors, 4-doors, etc.? If not, anyone know where to source one? And related to this: is the moulding and windshield for the 1964 convertible the same as any other models (2-doors)? Got a crack that starting to stretch, but to be honest I'll be psyched to see this old glass go -- it's peppered with wear and hard to see through when the suns right on it. Thanks all in advance.

Author:  AussiePlymouths [ Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Try SSD

Sorry I can't help with all of your ????'s
I have seen references to this before (can't remember whether it was on here or FABO) but I'd send a PM to Dan, I'm sure he'll set you straight if no one else answers.

Author:  64 Convert [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I missed this post also.
My '64 convertible had the stock locking strip when I bought it, and it was the same as my hardtop. It was in bad shape, so I went with the generic version that is available from several sources. It has a smooth, convex surface, while the stock version is concave and patterned.

The windshield is the same for hardtops and convertibles, but I can't speak for sedans. I got a new windshield in a couple of days from a Dallas warehouse, but had to order from a small glass company, as the chains didn't stock it.

The convertible rubber seal and stainless trim are different than the hardtop version.

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