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SSDan's headlight kit
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Author:  65Dodge100 [ Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  SSDan's headlight kit

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad you like the result. There are several diagrams on the page you linked -- one of them is for a 2-lamp system (one high/low beam lamp on each side of the vehicle). It shows the two relays you need (one for both high beams and one for both low beams). There are more detailed instructions emailed with the relay kit, too, and as you mention, one-on-one help is available for the asking. Also see articles here and here and here and here. The photos of the headlight beams are poor (as photos of lights always are), but the text is descriptive and accurate.

Author:  65Dodge100 [ Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I did forget to mention the email with the kit. No offense Dan but it's not really instructions for someone with my brain power. It mostly lists all the parts of the kit and tells what they are for. It is also a little outdated - like the colors of the parts in the descriptions are sometimes wrong - but that wasn't a problem.

I thought about it a lot but I guess I've had too much else on my mind to grasp the big picture. Couldn't figure which wires needed to be shortest or how simple it actually is. That's why I wanted to write something to maybe help others if they are as lost as I was and let them know it's definitely worth the trouble.

I guess the main thing to remember with this kit is to mount the relays as close as possible to the power source. Both sources are at the front of the vehicle (on most vehicles) and you'll have either 3 or 2 wires going to it. Remember to mount the fuses in the wire close to the source - not the relays - but I'm not sure how much difference it makes.

ALL other wires will be going through the radiator support or some manner to the headlight bulbs and the end plugs of the old harness that plugged into them - just a couple of feet away. It's really very simple and needs no planning at all except to study the website to see which number on the relay that each wire plugs into, and measuring for your wire.

I had it in my mind that the switch was involved and the dimmer and got all cornfused. My brain doesn't work as well as it used to. It took me a year to figure out that I had mounted my relays on the wrong side. It still works great but it drives me nuts now knowing that it's wrong.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

It works great…so…how is it "wrong"? :shrug:

Author:  65Dodge100 [ Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:01 am ]
Post subject: 

It works great…so…how is it "wrong"? :shrug:
Absolutely nothing wrong with the kit. I just wired my power wires wrong because I mounted the relays on the wrong side of the truck. I also have the fuses on the wrong end of the power wires. It still works great, I just don't know if it could be better or last longer if I had done it correctly the first time.

I doubt it will be a problem. I'm just a perfectionist without the energy or brains to be perfect.


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