Slant Six Forum

Manifold Exhaust fitment? 225>170?
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Author:  Drums2Groove2 [ Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Manifold Exhaust fitment? 225>170?

Will the manifold exhaust from a 225/190 fit my 170?
I found a manifold for a 225/190 on eBay and asked the seller the same question but he said he didn't know.

If not, where do I find one?
Thank you,

Author:  ceej [ Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

They will all bolt up. The 225/198 and 170 manifolds are the same.
Differences are in the Choke pocket. There are a bunch of different choke assemblies, and they do not interchange. Get a clear photo of the choke pocket on the manifold in question, then verify it is the same as the choke pocket you are replacing. There are work arounds for differences, but they can be challenging.

Pay close attention to the shape of the choke pocket, and if one side is flat, verify the orientation. If the flat is to the front, and yours is to the rear, it won't work.

There are open and closed choke pockets. There are also types that have a gasketed choke pocket that installs into the exhaust stream. Avoid that type. If that is what you end up with, get one of the Remflex sample circles, and carefully cut a new gasket out of that material.

If this is one of the new Chinese manifolds, there may be a bit of clearance work needed. Fortunately, Iron is soft and easy to grind. From the reports, these manifolds have been serviceable.


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