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The fun of gettin a vehicle back on the road
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Author:  00spy [ Sat Nov 09, 2013 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  The fun of gettin a vehicle back on the road

When i was going home the other day . The truck starting to run very bad and erratic . when i pulled into a store it cut off. I let it set for a few minutes, and i ran good after that. I changed the fuel filter, and it was full of sediment, the gas was brownish. The truck ran good after that. today i decided to bump the timing up ( to 13) to see if it would help on fuel economy. When driving it had higher vacuum than before, and i set the idle back down to 600 in drive. I went to the dump 4 hours later, and it didnt want to idle at all i had to keep my foot ont the gas alittle to keep it running while stopped. the distributor still looks like it is in the same place. what else could it be. I have a feeling , maybe some of the sediment has gotten into the carb, but i want that to be my last thing to look at , because i have no rebuild kit right now to take it apart.
any suggestion will be appreciated.
I think my truck is bipolar. it only has highs and lows haha
Thanks for all replies

Author:  kxracer728 [ Sat Nov 09, 2013 6:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Since you don't want to take the carb apart right suggestion is to buy some Berryman B-12 Chemtool fuel system cleaner and start running that with the fuel!

On my truck, i bought a bottle at walmart for $3.12 and put it in a full tank of gas. I did notice an improvement in carburation (idle, throttle response, mpg) the carb that i'm running right now...i boiled in anti-freeze and put a new rebuild kit on it about 8 months ago and i could tell it helped it! So compared to what yours must be like i'm sure your not going to have stable carburation until your ready to clean and rebuild it!

But you can try adding some type of fuel system cleaner to the fuel and see how much it helps :)

Author:  mpgFanatic [ Sat Nov 09, 2013 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  RedLine SI-1

Since you don't want to take the carb apart right suggestion is to buy some Berryman B-12 Chemtool fuel system cleaner and start running that with the fuel!
Haven't used that one, but I can highly recommend the RedLine fuel injector cleaner. It's detergent based, one of the few. Documented 2 mpg increase on a single tank, years ago.

Your story seems like you might need more than just a magic chemical in the gas tank, though.

- Erik

Author:  Reed [ Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:32 am ]
Post subject: 

If you are getting crud coming out of your tank you really need to drop it and inspect it. If your truck has sat for any length of time then you might need to re-do the entire fuel system. I had to do that on my brother's project 74 Duster earlier this year after I discovered rust holes in the gas tank.

Read about that project HERE.

I strongly advise you to drop and inspect the tank (possibly replace it), replace all the rubber in your fuel system, install a new fuel filter, and rebuild your carb.

Author:  00spy [ Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the replies . I know i have to rebuild carb, but need to get a kit. I found a float bowl gasket ( is cork ) but i think i will take that off and see what is in there . Reed my tank is plastic . But i did have it empty for a few years . I was thinking when i filled the tank it just got all that was dried in the tank ready for a trip haha . Hopefully it will not be too bad of a fix.

Author:  Reed [ Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Ah! I like plastic tanks, specifically because they don't rust! Still, if your filter was full of crud, you may have a clogged in-tank pickup, degraded and sediment-full rubber lines, and crap in the carb.

Good luck!

Author:  00spy [ Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am disappointed in you guys. You didnt ask me the one question . I went to town ordered a kit, and would be here at 3pm . I went to take off the carb to take it apart . I took off the air cleaner , and then noticed the bolts holding down the carb was loose hahahaha, DUH!!!!!!!!!!
But i went ahead and rebuilt it just in case. it ran good a minute ago , I just need to fine tune it again as i go.
Thanks for all your replies and help.

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