Slant Six Forum

Another approach to adapting the 200 r4.
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Author:  Sam Powell [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Another approach to adapting the 200 r4.

I have been in contact with Lonnie at extremeautomatics and he has another approach. He now produces a bell housing for the 200 r4 that will bolt to a Mopar small block. What is the deal with the adapters that would mate a 727 small block tranny to a slant? How does one go about tracking down one of these? It seems as if the adapter bell would be a stronger solution, thus avoiding the open lower end.

If I can find one of the adapters such as Lou used to install the a500 that opens up other possibilities.


Author:  65 dartman [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Those adapters tend to be somewhat scarce. I finally obtained one to use a 518 behind my slant in my 87 D100. Now I need to find a 518 with the manually controlled OD and go from there.

Author:  Sam Powell [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Where, and how did you find it? What are they called? I need to know this to do a search. Thanks.

Author:  bigslant6fan [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  .

They were used in 67 and older trucks and vans. The crank adapter only fits the 67-older small pilot cranks.

Author:  65 dartman [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Where, and how did you find it? What are they called? I need to know this to do a search. Thanks.
Found it right here on .org!

Author:  Sam Powell [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: .

They were used in 67 and older trucks and vans. The crank adapter only fits the 67-older small pilot cranks.
Help me out here. If We are using it to mate a custom 200 4r, to a slant, would we be using anything from the Mopar parts but the adapter that mates the trans to the block? It seems we would have to solve the TQ pilot problem as a separate issue. I see the Wilcap kit includes an adapter for the TQ to crank. And it includes a flex plate. I do not know where this comes from or if it is custom, or if the bolt pattern on the Mopar and GM flex are the same.

If I start searching outside the forum on ebay for example, I still need to know what this thng is called.


Author:  Rick Covalt [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sam if you have to get an adapter the Wilcap one is aluminum, has the hub adapter ...etc and one other thing. It has the high starter location as well as the the lower one. That may or may not be important.
From what I am reading the 200-4r is more supported by the aftermarket and is smaller physically than the A500. So it may be a better fit.

Author:  Sam Powell [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Extremeautomatics makes a special edition of the 200-r4 which will fit the Mopar adapter. It has a bell housing for the Mopar small block. So it is possible to mate a 200 r4 to the slant using the Mopar adapter. That is the option I am looking into. This does not mean I am going to do this. I am just looking into options. If a Mopar adapter plate surfaces, I might just take that as a sign of some kind. :wink:


Author:  SlantSteve [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Sam,how do they attach the bellhousing to the 200r4? I'm guessing they cut off the existing bell and bolt the new one on using the pump attaching bolts? Just curious. :)

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Not really...

They were used in 67 and older trucks and vans. The crank adapter only fits the 67-older small pilot cranks.
The stock adaptor I sold a few months back that was Andy's "pattern"/example was a large crank pocket model so it had to be a 1968 (no extra machining done to it and it fit a 1979 Cast crank nicely!)

The bad part is these original parts are not light, you will be adding about 35 lbs to the back of the engine for that adapter and it sits the transmission about 1.5" or so to the rear of the car (it might not be that much of a difference in the 1967+cars, and due to how the spool mounts sit the engine differently from the jello mounts that would not be an issue in the stock 1973+ cars)...I'm not sure where the remaining AREngineering adapters went, and another member now has 100% license on Andy's patterns for the adapter.

I haven't seen one of those adapters on Ebay in a couple years (just not that many of those fitted trucks left in junkyards now).


Author:  Mike_64_Valiant [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sam I would be interested in knowing how they attach their bells to the 200r4. If its a bolt on deal can they build, make, modify one for the slant with out a addapter.

I believe the addapter from slant to mopar small block that 65 Dartman has was my old one. I got it from a used engine I am pretty sure the guy said it was a 72 dodge B200 it was a supersix van and had a 727, he pulled a work trailer so he swapped out the slant for a 318.

Since I traded the addapter plate I have not seen another.

Author:  Sam Powell [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:30 am ]
Post subject: 

I suspect there is not enough demand for slant application of a special purpose made bell housing. One could only hope. By comparison there are thousands out there sporting small block Mopars. I would guess the 3.9 v-6 uses the same bell.


Author:  Sam Powell [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:07 am ]
Post subject: 

He says if he could have the old Mopar adapter to copy, he can make them in short runs. I assume in aluminum since he was talking cnc machine here.


Author:  akbmotorsports [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  new bell

sam, sorry i haven't chimed in before now, i have been off the web for a couple weeks. lonnie gave me a call this morning after having a half dozen or so calls from slanters about the new bell, looking for some details on the slant bolt pattern. i referred him back here to get more qualified replies. he indicated he would do bells with slant bolt pattern if a half dozen or so were interested.

he would require either a blueprint of the bolt pattern, or one of the wilcap adapters to reverse engineer the pattern. or possibly someone could supply him with a block and/or trans?

i suspect this would be a good way to narrow the bell for an easier fit in the cars?

i can tell you that lonnie is dedicated to his customers, he is answering my emails as late as 8 or 9 in the evenings. i haven't put the rubber to the road on his trans yet, but as long as i do my part properly, i think it will be a good conversion.

if my knees weren't going away, i would be doing the t5 swap as you did.

andy 8)

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:44 pm ]
Post subject: 


That sure sounds like a good way to go! No adapter needed at all!
supply him with a block and/or trans?

How about just sending him an aluminum belhousing if he just needs the slant pattern?


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