Slant Six Forum

Interest in another tranny adapter order from Wilcap?
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Author:  Sam Powell [ Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:24 am ]
Post subject:  Interest in another tranny adapter order from Wilcap?

My interest is high in putting a 200 r4 in the Dart. In order to move forward I need an adapter from Wilcap, but they will not sell in orders of smaller than 5. If you are interested, please let me know on this thread. If I cannot get enough orders, I will move in the direction of the Reid modular bellhousing. There is no urgency to make the switch immediately, but I need to get started now with processing an order. It was years before the last order got delivered from the time of the first discussion on this forum.

I will act as the point man for this. Just place your name on this thread. We only need 4 more. I think there are huge advantages to be seen over the 904.


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