Slant Six Forum

carb question
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Author:  ziggysl6 [ Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  carb question

1945 holley. that i have rebuilt and seam to fix most of my problems. however its not near perfect. i read somewhere about if you are looking down the top of the carb and you push the linkage to make the carb wide open throttle it should have a stream spray of fuel that dumps down. however mine doesn't do that. mine trickles down the wall of the carb. correct me if i'm wrong but this is a problem right? and also can you tell me what exactly i have done wrong rebuilding or something i missed. is it a clogged port?

Author:  WagonsRcool [ Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

It sounds like something's wrong with your accelerator pump. At anything faster than say 1-2 sec for full throttle travel (idle to wide open)- you should see a steady stream of gas being sprayed down the carb throat. If it just dribbles out then you're going to have hesistation & stumble when you try to go.

Problems could be: damaged accel pump plunger cup, damaged plunger bore in the carb, missing pump spring, a bad pump outlet check ball-or it's not sealing in the carb body (or a missing weight on top of check ball), incorrect gasket between carb main body & airhorn.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  x2

Problems could be: damaged accel pump plunger cup, damaged plunger bore in the carb, missing pump spring, a bad pump outlet check ball-or it's not sealing in the carb body (or a missing weight on top of check ball), incorrect gasket between carb main body & airhorn.
I'd vote for the plunger cup issue, typically I use a little finger wipe of oil to make sure the plastic plunger doesn't hang up in the bore until it sees gas in regular use.

The last option is the pump linkage is not adjusted correctly or the rod is bent like a pretzel due to a shade tree mechanic working on it....


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