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84 Dodge low pressure switch
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Author:  1930 [ Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  84 Dodge low pressure switch

I have an issue we :) cannot figure out. I am still trying to get the hang of reading a wiring schematic but I believe this wire should be plugged into a low pressure switch.

My truck is an 86, the complete wiring harness I am using is from an 84, I transferred all of the 84 A/C components as well.

I cannot for the life of me figure out where that doodad is.

Can someone here enlighten me maybe with a picture or tell me where to look. Thanks


Author:  Ssg Pohlman [ Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can't really see the terminals but to me it looks like the connector for the oil pressure sending unit. Been a while since I gt rid of my wires bc mine has a manual oil gauge. I'd bet dadtruck knows since he done a frame off. There's two sending units, one has a clip on wire and the other has 3 spades that a connector plugs to. But it looks like your connector has two wires. Hope this helps more than confuses.

Author:  Reed [ Tue Nov 26, 2013 5:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nope, not the oil pressure sending unit. That has already been identified. This one is the low pressure switch for the AC compressor. What we can't find is where on the truck the low pressure switch is located.

Author:  1930 [ Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Can't really see the terminals but to me it looks like the connector for the oil pressure sending unit. Been a while since I gt rid of my wires bc mine has a manual oil gauge. I'd bet dadtruck knows since he done a frame off. There's two sending units, one has a clip on wire and the other has 3 spades that a connector plugs to. But it looks like your connector has two wires. Hope this helps more than confuses.
Thanks, I have better pictures unfortunately I was sending them from the shop yesterday to Reed on the shop computer, Yahoo mail has changed their format and I cannot figure out how to view pictures I have sent so I can save them on my comp and re-send them from home to you guys.

Yes oil was figured out but good guess.

If we cannot figure it out today than I will have better pictures to post tonight.

Author:  mattelderca [ Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:19 am ]
Post subject: 

The AC pressure switch is usually located on the filter drier, usually beside the condensor.

Author:  1930 [ Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for all the replies.

Im sure some of you guys are trying to figure this out along with me but I may have it figured out, it looks like I have the wrong H block, originally in 1984 there was an H block with provision for low pressure switch, I will still swear that the original evaporator that I removed from this truck had no expansion valve with a low pressure switch in it but at this point that is only conjecture because the original evap I did not trust to use and it went back to the salvage yard for a core on a newer version that I felt much better about.

Anyway 42 dollars later and I will have the parts from Napa about 2:30.

Author:  DadTruck [ Wed Nov 27, 2013 2:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

for what its worth, my 83 FSM for the AC wiring shows a
drawing of a round, two wire 'low pressure switch' that goes between the compressor clutch, has an 18 gauge light blue wire and the clutch cycling switch with an 18 gauge dark blue wire,, the wiring diagram does not show what the low pressure switch fits into to, but sounds like you got it.

Author:  1930 [ Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

for what its worth, my 83 FSM for the AC wiring shows a
drawing of a round, two wire 'low pressure switch' that goes between the compressor clutch, has an 18 gauge light blue wire and the clutch cycling switch with an 18 gauge dark blue wire,, the wiring diagram does not show what the low pressure switch fits into to, but sounds like you got it.
Thanks, Ill know for sure tomm. when I get back too the shop, picked up the part but didnt get back too see whats what

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

The block/H valve should have a hex plug on it. The low pressure switch screws into that port. If you remove the plug you will lose the refrigerant.

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