Slant Six Forum

Van shakes then turns off when at operating temp
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Author:  uncletwisty [ Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Van shakes then turns off when at operating temp

I've got a 77 B100 with a 225 and a 3 speed manual tranny.

Last week out of nowhere it started acting weird for seemingly no reason.

I'll drive about 2 miles then the van shakes violently when I give it gas, then if I keep giving it gas it will shut off, if I let the engine cool down it will start back up and I can limp it home.

at first I thought it was a carb problem, I checked and it was not.

then I replaced the coil, that wasn't it.

any ideas? my daily driver just crapped out so I have nothing to drive, and it's making me crazy.

any help will be greatly appreciated.


Author:  Supercharged SL6 [ Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would try changing the ignition control module,or as known as contol box

Author:  Pierre [ Fri Nov 29, 2013 7:40 pm ]
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What did you do to eliminate a carb problem? Did the choke malfunction and not fully open?

What ignition is on it? Hopefully not lean burn / esc.

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Fri Nov 29, 2013 8:51 pm ]
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Sounds like water in the gas....happened to me the other day when I got a bad load of fuel. I poured some "Heat" - (Yellow bottle), down the air vent to the float bowl and let it do its job and rest in the tank.... cleared it right out with a couple of bangs..... I think the fuel must have changed to the winter blend and it's full of water. Too much ethanol...... I couldn't move forward much less back into my driveway....pretty pathetic! That was a few days a go ......since then it has stumbled a few more times and I poured some other ethanol treatment in the tank that is suppose to mix with the water.

Author:  kxracer728 [ Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:24 am ]
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Check for vacuum leaks...and check the carb mounting bolts to the intake and make sure they are tight!

Author:  Nomad [ Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have a ’77 B100 manual van too.

Had a somewhat comparable issue when I bought it: flat spot when giving it gas leaving from a stop. I had to do a bit of play with the clutch and gas pedals so I won’t stall at every light.
Problem was caused by a wrong year/missing parts carburetor which developed a vacuum leak and a blown distributor advance pod.

All the advices given here make sense. Vacuum leak, choke not working correctly or bad gas are quite easy to test individually. I hope you'll find the culprit soon.

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