Slant Six Forum

OK, Gang..........
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Author:  GTS225 [ Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  OK, Gang..........

Need to locate a pair of spool mounts for a slant. Have the engine brackets, but they're bare. Locally, I can't get the mounts with the outer steel sleeve, just the rubber insert. Rock Auto wants to charge me $5 for the "privilage" of placing a phone-in order.
I DON'T send my financial account numbers over an internet connection for any reason.

Any suggestions where I might be able to round up a pair of spools?


Author:  Rob Simmons [ Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Roger,

You'll be able to find them here pretty easily. Just post a Parts Wanted ad. :wink:

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Roger, did you find the mounts, yet? I have a pair of inserts, if that is what you need.
PS: If this had been in the parts wanted, I would have responded sooner.

Author:  GTS225 [ Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oops, sorry. :oops: I did locate a pair at a local CarQuest. They had to be ordered in, and only cost me about $8 each.
I also found out that there is a difference in outer dimensions between car and truck/van mounts.

BTW, Charlie......what exactly do you mean by "inserts"? I take that word to mean just the rubber with a steel inner sleeve, and one would have to have the outer sleeve still in the engine bracket.
The reason I interpret it that way is due to finding poly "inserts" available on the net, (at $37 each), and they were exactly that. Just a poly "rubber" insert with a steel inner sleeve.


Author:  Charrlie_S [ Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oops, sorry. :oops: I did locate a pair at a local CarQuest. They had to be ordered in, and only cost me about $8 each.
I also found out that there is a difference in outer dimensions between car and truck/van mounts.

BTW, Charlie......what exactly do you mean by "inserts"? I take that word to mean just the rubber with a steel inner sleeve, and one would have to have the outer sleeve still in the engine bracket.
The reason I interpret it that way is due to finding poly "inserts" available on the net, (at $37 each), and they were exactly that. Just a poly "rubber" insert with a steel inner sleeve.

The stock style "inserts" I have, are rubber, with a steel inner sleeve, and a steel outer shell. They are identical to the ones on Rockauto, at less then $2.00 each.

Author:  Reed [ Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

I also found out that there is a difference in outer dimensions between car and truck/van mounts.
Trucks and vans never got spool mounts, They were sandwich mount until the end of the line in 87.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  And...

They were sandwich mount until the end of the line in 87.
And the LA engines still had them through the mid-90's...but they had catch hooks to keep the mount together if the rubber failed (too bad they didn't do that from the 60's to 1972 in the cars).


Author:  GTS225 [ Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:34 am ]
Post subject: 

The stock style "inserts" I have, are rubber, with a steel inner sleeve, and a steel outer shell. They are identical to the ones on Rockauto, at less then $2.00 each.

OK...that's what I got from the local CarQuest. So I'm using an incorrect term, (at least mentally), for the insert verb.
I already had the engine brackets, just not with inserts in them.

Thanks for the offer, though.


Author:  GTS225 [ Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Trucks and vans never got spool mounts, They were sandwich mount until the end of the line in 87.

Hmmmmm. what do I have, then? I have two sets of engine brackets for a slant, that use spool inserts. One set utilizes inserts for a '75 Dart. My other set has larger oval cutouts for the insert, and the A-body inserts are too small to even consider using in them.
Oohhh....might I have a set from an F-body?


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