Slant Six Forum

trans gear ratio's
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Author:  J S Goldman [ Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  trans gear ratio's

i found a friend who has a stort tail od trans, it has a 3.09 first gear and it also has a 5" throw out bearing colar, is that all right for a /6 street car ? is the 3.09 too high of a first gear? can i use that colar on the throw out bearing? will it work in a street car? is it the right one to use?

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Er...yeah!

i found a friend who has a stort tail od trans, it has a 3.09 first gear and it also has a 5" throw out bearing colar, is that all right for a /6 street car ? is the 3.09 too high of a first gear? can i use that colar on the throw out bearing? will it work in a street car? is it the right one to use?
Considering those trannies were used from 1975-1976 in A-bodies stock, and F-bodies from 1976-1980 for daily driving that should not be a problem.

All A-833 OD tranny come in:
1st gear 3.09
2nd gear 1.67
3rd gear 1:1 (direct and the collar locks the input to the mainshaft)
4th/OD gear .73

3.09 is not really too low for most street ratios, but will be a 'hiccup' on the way to 2nd gear for anything that is a 4.11 or 4.56+ rear ratio (in fact that tranny in my duster will accelerate itself off the line if I just let out the clutch in 1st).

What you will find is that the OD gear is a little "steep" if used with a 2.94 or 3.23 rear end...I found that a set of 3.55's are a good 'street' gear for it (fun off the line but you get to keep the gas mileage on the highway), I think a set of 3.73 or 3.91's would be about right for a hopped up street/strip car.

It will use the standard throwout bearing used on any road mopar with a 3 or 4 speed (except the trucks with the NP-435 4 speed).



Author:  Sam Powell [ Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

I had a cast iron version of that transmission in this Dart for awhile. I took it out and put it in my 360 Dart (now sold) when I went with the T-5. It was a good combo for the slant, but as DI says, there is a steep drop off going into 2nd. It might still be in this car if I had not been looking for an OD tranny that would hold up to the power of the 360. It is the easiest way to get an OD tranny behind a slant. It did not shift as fast as the T-5, but the 360 would have crushed this t-5.


Author:  J S Goldman [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  gear raitos

thanks for the quick reply !

Author:  Doc [ Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Some info here: ... speed1.htm

Author:  J S Goldman [ Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  transmission

thank you for your help!!!

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