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Running great, then started bucking, died and won't start??
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Author:  davearl46 [ Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:06 am ]
Post subject:  Running great, then started bucking, died and won't start??

Hey y'all, I had my '82 stepside running like a sewing machine and went to town! On the way it started bucking and missing every once in awhile and by the time I got to Walmart it died in the parking lot!! It was 10 miles from the house! I tried to restart and it would start and run for a bit and then act like it was losing spark and die!! Then it wouldn't hit a lick! I jacked the throttle and it was squirting gas into the carb so I don't think it's fuel related! The p.o. had the wires on the coil backwards and that's why it wouldn't run before, but once I switched them it fired right up and ran like it was supposed to! I put a new ballast resistor on and that didn't make a bit of difference. It's like the fire slowly faded away! Could it be the coil? It ran great for about 25 or 30 miles and would idle fine and sounded great!! It's beginning to be a mystery to me!! I checked the points and they were still right! Thought this might have happened to someone before! Haven't checked for spark at the plugs but it seemed like that's what has happened!!

Author:  hantayo13 [ Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:18 am ]
Post subject: 

R & R coil with new

Author:  davearl46 [ Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:26 am ]
Post subject:  Running great, started bucking, then died??

Replaced coil and points!! Still the same! It seems like it has a lot of water in gas tank! That's how it acts, anyway!! Will check the gas today. When it ran, it was purring like a kitten! Started bucking a little and sputtering and it's in a funk now!! PO changed from lean burn and it's looks cobbled, (the wiring)! It's got to be a firing issue or a gas issue!! It was running so good for a bit! I was so proud of my lil' truck!! Will check timing again! It was dead on last time I checked it after she quit this last time!! Don't know if it will fix it, but think I'll go electronic ignition and see if that works!! Might have to call in the big guns for this one!! Any suggestions??

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Any suggestions??
Carb maintenance is important!
Before you switch ignition systems......this may be a simple fix.

If it was running like a sewing machine, I would suspect that the tank has some condensation and has collected water. Not uncommon for this time of year. Plus the fuel is the lousy winter blend. I had the same thing happen a few weeks ago. Couldn't even back into my drive way.....I put in some "Heat" that comes in the yellow bottle and some of the green Lucas fuel stabilizer for ethanol fuels. No more problems!

If you have a Holley 1920 you may want to pull the bowl off and drain out the water and crud. Spray it out with some carb cleaner. Then you know it's clean. Many carbs will start corroding on the inside if you don't clean the water out. You will see a white fungus like corrosion that will clog the economizer body and the main jet passages. If you don't drive much In the winter months this becomes a bigger problem and the green fuel stabilizer (Optimal or Lucas) really helps to stop the corrosion.

Hope that helps......let us know! :)

Author:  davearl46 [ Sat Dec 21, 2013 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Running great, started bucking, then died??

I checked the gas right before it goes into the carb. Not a drop of water! I changed the points and they were worn! Put new set in and it starts now, just won't stay running more that 5 seconds and it spits and sputters!! I was leaning towards the condenser because the P O told me he put new points and condenser in!! The points were wore real bad so I figure the condenser has to be old, too!! One thing that has me baffled is there's a condenser on the coil bracket that was wired to the coil and the wire broke! I noticed it after it quit on me! It was running great and it started bucking a little and then it got worse and then it just wouldn't start!! Could it possibly be that wire? It has a condenser in the distributor and one on the coil bracket!! That's the only thing I could find that was different!! It's timing is spot on, points are .020 and there's no water in the gas! I even put Heet and carb cleaner in the tank!! I just want my smooth running Dodge back!! Thanks!!

Author:  Fopar [ Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Condensser on coil bracket is for radio supression to kill spark noise coming off points.


Author:  63gtcv [ Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

When you get it all running again save up a few bucks and get the pertronix system. I put one in my 71 truck and didn't touch it for 4 yrs.

Author:  davearl46 [ Mon Dec 23, 2013 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Running great, started bucking, then died??

Yee Haw!! Got her purring like a kitten!! Put new condenser in her and she fired right up!! The PO told me he put new distributor, points and condenser in her!! Guess he meant the ones that had been in it for years!! Anyhoo, she's running like a brand new slant!! I am so happy, happy, happy!! Still kind of scared to take off to town!! Will try a trip tomorrow. She fires right up when I hit the key so I'd say she's ready to go!! Thanks to all who threw in their two cents!! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!!

Author:  wjajr [ Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just got-tah love those points and condenser set-ups.

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:39 pm ]
Post subject: many times it was a two bit condenser that I was to lazy to pull and replace....been there done that...

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