Slant Six Forum

Electronic dizzy plug
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Author:  Eatkinson [ Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Electronic dizzy plug

I'm upgrading to HEI. I have a Chrysler super six electronic distributor that I will use. It has the below plug on the end of the lead wires.

I have a second incorrect Chrysler V8 dizzy with the same plug.

I tried putting them together and while they do mate, I can feel that there isn't a good 'snap together' feeling: they're just kind of pressed together. Maybe that's the way they're supposed to be. Common sense tells me they would plug together nicely.

Anyone have the right kind of receptor plug or know where I can get one? It would be nice to keep this plug and be able to unsnap it easily if I need to.



Author:  mattelderca [ Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:01 am ]
Post subject: 

They really just shove together, you can sometimes gently squeeze the female side to make a bit tighter connection. One thing to be aware of, the wire colour (polarity) will be reversed. Not an issue if your doing an HEI conversion but if you are matching an OEM harness you need to correct for that. I have bought new ones like this in the trailer connector section of your flaps.

Author:  carsrme [ Fri Dec 20, 2013 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

............... you can sometimes gently squeeze the female side to make a bit tighter connection........

Yep, works most times, (unless they are in a bad mood). :lol: :lol:

regards,Rod :twisted:

Author:  oldskoolracer [ Fri Dec 20, 2013 4:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

I used the 2-wire trailer connector too, still not a perfect fit, but its been on there for several months now without a single issue at all.

Author:  Eatkinson [ Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Sweet. Thanks guys.

Author:  crater [ Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would think, someone smarter than me will hopefully correct me if i'm wrong, once you have it setup and don't expect to pull it off for some time it would be wise to put some dielectric grease in there and maybe electrical taped the connection to insure good connection and no moisture in there?

Author:  64ragtop [ Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Axle grease will work, too. Personally, I like the white lithium spray stuff. The idea of dielectric grease seemed odd, since dielectric is insulating, not conducting.
The metal-to-metal contact conducts just fine with dielectric grease filling the empty space in the connector. You just want some stuff to fill the voids and keep air & water away from the metal.


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