Slant Six Forum

Auto Rust Technicians?
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Author:  slanted attitude [ Sun Apr 06, 2003 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Auto Rust Technicians?

Has anyone used any of these parts? T he reason that Im asking is that when replacing the the brakes on my valiant i started cleaning the left front frame rail and found several rust holes(the holes were under the undercoating and was invisable untill I started scraping). These people offer a front cap for $200 and was wondering if anyone had used their products and how they fit. The rest of the frame is extremely solid only the floors and the the left front rail is bad and the floor is not a big problem as I have fabricated floors for most of my previous hot rods and have become quite familiar with a bead roller and metal brakes,but the frame has me worried but the car hasnt sagged and still measures out good.
Thanks ,Slanted Attitude

Author:  dgc333 [ Mon Apr 07, 2003 10:05 am ]
Post subject: 

I have one of thier torsion bar mount repair pieces in my 68 Barracuda. The part fit OK (it did need some minor grinding here and there to get it to fit tight up against the floor. The metal is close to 0.090" thick much heavier than original.

The piece was made up of one piece of metal bent at 90 degrees then sectioned and rewelded to form two sides the thrird was a piece of flat material cut and welded on. If you are at all handy with welding and metal fab you certainly can do as good a job.

Author:  slanted attitude [ Wed Apr 09, 2003 4:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks dgc33, but i found a cherry 60 valiant that has zero rust and has been in dry storage for the last 20 or so years and the elderly gentlman is letting me have on payments ,so I think ill take that route and use the 61 for parts(the floors are bad and the left rear rail is pretty bad too).the old guy that has it needs to make room for his new boat in his garage.He was the best machinast in town untill he retired and had started on the 60 and completly rebuilt the 170(it only had 47000 miles on it before the rebuild but he wanted it "right" just like his racing engines he use to build) so, anyway im gonna take both cars and make one good one.

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