Slant Six Forum

Grey/White sludge newly recond and flushed radiator
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Author:  Dave63VC [ Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Grey/White sludge newly recond and flushed radiator

Hi all! This is the first time i've been in a forum so let me know if I'm doing it wrong! Ha

I have a 1967 VC valiant with a slant 6 225. (Valiant was an Australian produced Chrysler).
At the moment the car runs smooth as a babies bum even on long drives. The temp stays on half at 45 - 50 mph but as soon as I start travelling faster than that the temp slowly keeps going up until it gets too hot and I pull over.
After checking the radiator coolant level i noticed a grey/white sludge in the radiator. I just had the radiator rebuilt as there was a white/red sludge i presumed was transmission fluid built up last week.
Now I am wondering if it has to be the head gasket or is there any other possibility. There is no water in the oil (that I can tell)
Car runs fine and temps stays down at low speeds.
No smoke from exhaust watsoever.
Car runs on LPG only

If you might need any more info plz let me know.

Cheers in advance


Author:  Doc [ Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome to the Forum...

The "oil in water" could be caused by an automatic tranmission fluid leak into the coolant, if your radiator has a transmission oil cooler at the bottom.
You may want to pressure check the cooler.

You may also want to retorque the head, and re-adjust the valve lash. (if it's a solid lifter engine)

For the high speed over heating, I would first remove and check the thermostat, to be sure it is opening completly when hot.

Author:  Dave63VC [ Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Doc thanks for the welcome.

Radiator has just been rebuilt. New thermostat. pressure tested after rebuild was ok.

I'm presuming it is the head gasket and maybe its just a tiny failure of the gasket so maybe I can just put a new gasket in it?

I was more wondering if there is any other things like core plugs etc. that may be allowing this to happen. Just surprising me that the car runs so smoothly starts fine and blows no smoke watsoever. Also no water in the oil.

Thanks again.


Author:  SlantSteve [ Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:29 am ]
Post subject: 

I had a slant in a VC once that actually cracked the bore,it was a radial crack about and inch down from the deck,it did use water,but ran pretty good. Here's hoping your looking at something minor! Does it build up a lot of pressure in the cooling system and lose water through the overflow? If its an original motor it may still have the old shim steel gasket,it may have rusted away around the water holes and started leaking. To me it sounds like its a minor leak at the moment,it only starts causing issues when you put it under a bit of load under highway conditions,higher cylinder pressure and then it leaks hot gasses into the cooling system and overheats. That's my theory for what's its worth! If its really cruddy in the water maybe its time to pull the head and check it and give it a good flush out while your there,knock out the freeze plugs,take off the hoses and water pump and really get in there and clean it out ,then put her all back together. If it was just getting hot and didn't have all the gunk in it I'd say change the thermostat,but as long as your sure its making gunk in the water it's obviously more serious.Cheers,Steve

Author:  Sam Powell [ Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:09 am ]
Post subject: 

I suspect that grey/white sludge you see IS oil in the water. The question is: "Where is it coming from"?


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