Slant Six Forum

Carb to manifold gasket
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Author:  1930 [ Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  Carb to manifold gasket

I know these have some sort of insert to prevent from crushing but are these at all re-usable. A few days ago I was switching out carbs trying to find out what of what I had might work best.

I bolted and un-bolted prob. a half dozen carbs.

I guess at this point I am going to check for leaks with some starting fluid sprayed at the base of the carb but I am curious to know if these gaskets can generally be re-used.

My local parts stores do not stock them. Cheap enough but the wait stinks.

Author:  wjajr [ Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:39 am ]
Post subject: 

I have been using Mr. Gasket Ultra-Seal III Carburetor Base Gaskets for several years. It is reusable, and has survived many, meny carb tuning sessions requiring carb R & R. I think I have used about four of them since 2008.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Rats!

I have been using Mr. Gasket Ultra-Seal III Carburetor Base Gaskets for several years. It is reusable, and has survived many, meny carb tuning sessions requiring carb R & R. I think I have used about four of them since 2008.
He's using a Holley 1945 1 barrel, He'd have to make a custom gasket patterned off his current used one...but he's going to want the stocker gasket as it's 1/2" thick to help prevent fuel bowl boil over on shut down (and he might want to look into Ted's heat sheild as well once he' gets it tuned and running).


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