Slant Six Forum

Dirt Cheap Sealed Cooling System
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Author:  ILMopars [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Dirt Cheap Sealed Cooling System

I read about air being the #1 enemy of a cooling system. So I wanted to get a recovery bottle. On a 1970 Dart there is no such part, and being poor I have to improvize. I went to the local grocery store and bought a half gallon of chocolate milk. The tall thin bottle is perfect. So I took the overflow hose off the nipple on the radiator and I cut a hole un the milk jug's cap for it to go through. I next cut a vent hole. The mounting location is on the passenger side next to the horn(s). I used existing holes and fastened with zip ties. Fill to 4" under cap and route the "recovery hose" over the upper radiator hose.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Pop Bottle...

I cut a hole un the milk jug's cap for it to go through.
Just some suggestions.

Typical milk jugs are softer plastic and may not contain the hot coolant during a long drive and purge, racers use pop cans or the hard plastic pop bottles which are a little more durable...good junkyard finds are the 1974-1976 over flows (just drill 2 holes in the upper radiator support and it will look and function like stock), or check the F-bodies for something suitable. Make sure to mount the top of the overflow as close to the top of the radiator or the siphon effect will drag all the coolant down to the level of the top of the bottle (if mounted could empty 1/2 of the radiator...)...Other thoughts are to make sure that you leave the bottle 1/3 full if the radiator is full...before the thermostat opens up it will "puke" and you may fill that 4" of bottle before it pulls the excess back into the cooling system. You may also want to figure out a shield for the overflow as thrown and broken fan belts tend to create new leaks in the bottle...


Author:  zorg [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

I stumbled upon this cheap (and good looking!) home made catch can recently: ... -15-a.html

Author:  ILMopars [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Seems to be working fine so far...

Author:  mattelderca [ Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:47 am ]
Post subject: 

this may seem obvious but be sure to use a coolant recovery cap instead of a regular rad cap.

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