Slant Six Forum

need information for efi slant 6 supplier america 2014
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Author:  dirty hands [ Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  need information for efi slant 6 supplier america 2014

read through the forum on this subject of efi

some were posted years ago

just need to know what EFI for slant6 setups are is currently available

a supplier for all parts to contact

spose will get prices form him


Author:  Doctor Injector [ Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Slant six EFi

There is a tone of stuff, you just have to look. You can follow the really great tech article from Bob DiBase ... ersion.htm
You could use a TBI kit from FAST You can purchased matched fuel injectors.

What are you looking for?

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Diy

there are no "plug and play kits", you basically just get the parts from a manufacturer and do it yourself.


Author:  Matt Cramer [ Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Diy

there are no "plug and play kits", you basically just get the parts from a manufacturer and do it yourself.

Some of the TBI setups may be drop on, but I'm not sure how well they do on fuel distribution.

Clifford did make a couple ready to go EFI manifolds, but there wasn't much demand for them and they stopped building them. (And they aren't the easiest outfit to order from, either).

A while ago, I tried to mentally piece out what a bolt on kit might look like with off the shelf parts from a number of sources: ... highlight=

Such a setup would use Extrudabody throttle bodies on a Pierce manifold intended for Weber DCOEs. A couple of the parts I had listed are no longer available or have gone up in price a little.

Or you could have a machine shop rework a four barrel intake manifold - that's what I did.


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