Slant Six Forum

another volt regulator!?
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Author:  oldskoolracer [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  another volt regulator!?

Sorry folks just need to vent a little. I'm going onto regulator number 4 now on this thing. Along with 2 alternators! Bought the best parts I could, even upgraded the charge wire, ground wires, and opened the harness to replace the two field wires between the alt and regulator!? Out of no where again its charging at 18volt and boiling my optima! :evil: At least the parts lasted over a year this time...

Not much I can do beside replace another bad part, but I needed to vent so thanks for listening... or reading. Have a great day everybody :D

Author:  valiant effort [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Vr

I feel for you. I went through 3 VRs in less than a year. Finally found an NOS Delco one on ebay for 48 bucks. So far so good. It even looks beefier. Keeping my fingers crossed..good luck

Author:  emsvitil [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

I made my own.

Author:  oldskoolracer [ Sat Jan 18, 2014 10:34 am ]
Post subject: 

If, or when, this new one fails Ill consider it, however mine does utilize the newer style regulator (standard p/n VR125)... I am still a little confused why it failed, but I did notice when I removed it the epoxy on the back side looked as though it over heated and started melting (mounts vertical and the epoxy was drooping toward the bottom)...

Im wondering if a higher output alternator would cut back some of the issues... ive added HEI, aftermarket oil/volt/water gauges, installed brighter #168 bulbs to the instrument panel instead of the #194, has aftermarket stereo in the dash, 12" sub powered by a 2000w amp, and a 1200w amp running mids and highs.

I have already done the charge bypass wire using a 4 gauge cable from the alt to the batt, replaced both pos and neg cables, replaced the ground strap from head to firewall, and added a grounding kit running 8 gauge from the neg post on the batt to all the factory underhood ground points...

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