Slant Six Forum

Fixed It!!!!
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Author:  dodgeD100 [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Fixed It!!!!

Well i feel kinda dumb... and very relieved so after going thru the carb and ignition and new intake/exhaust gaskets and hrs of tinkering and wondering why the hell my truck ran like crap when cruising i found the problem!

I had called and talked to a tech at MSD about my new blaster coil and that using the ballast resistor they recommend wasnt working, he said just use the stock ballast resistor and i would be fine. Also he said i needed to mount my coil in the upright position not on its side which is how i had it mounted. After installing it upright i thought maybe the problem would go away. NOPE

Still had the horrible missing and popping and stumbling at cruising speed... so again i call MSD and a new tech said i needed to run both my stock ballast resistor AND their ballast resistor together.... the other tech never mentioned this. So i wired them together and BOOM... NO MORE ISSUES!!!!!! Guess it was an electrical issue this whole time! i guess it goes to show that just because something is new it doesnt mean it cant be part of the problem, The coil of course wasnt bad but without wiring in the other ballast resistor it would not work right.

Thanks for everyones help, ive definitly learned alot thru this process, now lets see what kind of mileage i can squeeze outa this old beast! come on 20's!!!


Author:  oldskoolracer [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

RIGHT ON! Glad you finally got it figured out, I would have never thought you had to run both resistors on it. Learn something new every day! :D

Author:  wjajr [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I run Blaster 2 coil, and their only resistor; it works fine.

How are your resistors wired; in series or parallel?

Author:  zorg [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Weird, never heard of that. I'm running a Blaster II coil in my '68 D100, with a Pertronix ignition, that still has a stock resistor.

I'm in the hunt for MPGs out of a similar truck. 68 D100 long bed, '72 225, A833od, 3.55. Currently getting 18-19mpg on the highway. I'll be curious to see what you can eek out of yours.

Author:  dodgeD100 [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

I dont know why it fixed my issue but it has, i drove almost 100miles today and never had an issue.

The resistors are wired in series, i really dont know why using the recommended MSD resistor by itself doesnt work for me but damn it doesnt! i thought my motor was going to blow up when i tried revving it.

From what the tech said, with out dropping the resistance to the coil the points start getting hot???

I guess if i ran electronic ignition or a pertronix unit i could get away with one resistor? BTW i have a pertronix unit to install, but its missing one magnet on the rotor and im not sure i have all the pieces. I looked on the pertronix site but i cant tell if one of the pieces i have is right. The rotor had a plastic sleeve(looked like water conduit) that it slid over which then slid over the distributor shaft....

Gunna see if i get get those magnets from pertronix and change over to electronic points.

Ive still only got the 3spd 727 and 3.55 gears, on the highway im pushing 3krpms to do the flow of traffic. Driving to work i do 55-60 which is about 2500-2650rpms. I still need to get a better aircleaner and make it a real cool air intake. gunna run a tube to the rad support where ill make a scoop to force only outside cool air into the carb. Plus i need new tires an rims, im going to go up in size on the rear tires to try and get my cruising rpms down just a hair more.


Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I have a Blaster2 on my van. I've run the stock resister never had a problem. :?

Author:  WagonsRcool [ Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:43 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't think that I know of anyone running a "performance" coil with breaker points. I guess the points couldn't handle the current flow with just 1 resistor.

I've never tried petronix myself, I tend to prefer the Napa- chain store parts availability of the mopar electronic igntion. Along the same vein, I've worked on alot of GM's & their HEI setup is pretty dang good, & parts are also "cheap" & easy to get.

Author:  dodgeD100 [ Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

True, probably not a common setup. But on my 65 sport fury i had a 383 and ran an accel coil with my stock points dizzy, that thing ran like a monster, after switching over to electronic iginition i swear i lost alot of bottom end power. I used to boil rubber into third gear.... after electronic ignition it would barely chirp the rears into second.

Granted i never had that thing tuned right(or even built right) i was just a kid lol

Id love to go with HEI but stretching my pennies right now inbetween working just a part time job so itll have to wait.


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