Slant Six Forum

Looking for Mopar Mechanic with Reasonable Rates (Portland)
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Author:  merrymopar [ Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Looking for Mopar Mechanic with Reasonable Rates (Portland)

Looking for Mopar Mechanic with Reasonable Rates (Portland Metro Area)
i've got a 1962 dodge lancer who needs a few things fixed....not rocket science, but i do want someone who knows classic mopar. i don't have the tools for the jobs, and i am not willing or able to pay $100/hour for the work, considering it's not really that hard. i will buy the parts. i do NOT have a place to do the work but can drive out to you IF it is local. i can NOT leave the car overnight or for an extended period of time...has to be wham bam.

* need to replace front left (facing) motor mount...ya jack the engine, remove the old one, pop the new one back in and replace the engine. takes maybe half an hour.

* fuel tank gasket needs to be replaced. it's a new fuel tank, i had the original replaced by majhor murray's and the gasket went out after only a year...another reason i don't want to pay $100/hour...that's what i paid them for the job in the first place, and they botched it.

* this is a long shot, but why not: variable dual speed windshield wiper motor needs rebuild, armeture. any leads on that armeture would be appreciated.

* would like to have you look at the leaf springs with the possibility of switching out my 5's for 6's. not a priority, just something to check out when the fuel tank gets dropped for the new gasket.

please shoot me an email with either a reasonable hourly & availability, or, a quote for each job.

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