Slant Six Forum

Engine Setting Issue Update
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Author:  ILMopars [ Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Engine Setting Issue Update

I had no luck with the timing change so its back to where it was. So I hooked up the timing light. I tune the carb to 750 in N w/hi-beams on and adjusted the A/F ratio. So I take the car for a test drive and I find out after getting back and rechecking it that it is now idling at 680 in N w/hi-beams on. I readjust and cycle through the gears and it idles a 817 when the car never moved and I went from P to 1st and stopped in N. I readjust and The idle drops to 728 and I go to where the idle Speed screw was when it was 817 and it goes to 755. I let it idle and it goes from 755 to 746 to 756 to 768 and it bounces from 738 to 770 and never returns to 750. I think it may be time for a carb rebuild.

Author:  '67 Dart 270 [ Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  idle...

Did you check to see if the throttle shaft that opens and closes the butterflys is lubricated and rotating freely?

Author:  ILMopars [ Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes. It is :)

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