Slant Six Forum

New slant six owner
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Author:  Fatlip [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  New slant six owner

So, I have my first slant six. . . 225. It's in a 1971 Scamp. My problem is that I cannot tell by all of the images on Google which is a actual stock setup as far as plug wire routing and hose routing. On my motor it has heater hoses and fuel lines running over the top of the valve cover. And the plug wires are a mess. Does anyone have a good pic of just a standard setup? Or maybe tips on plug wire keepers ( I was told that my plug wires should not be resting on the body) and that second fuel line going over the top of the valve cover.....I have seen some pics that do not have this . Is this a breather line or return line. My experiences are with 318 so not sure that I have seen this.

Author:  Danarchy [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Welcome to the Forum!
The fuel line(hose) running over the valve cover sounds like someone already did the "Fuel Line Mod", it helps with engine compartment heat not vaporizing the fuel.(Better Warm Starts)
Sparkplug wires not touching the body??? Good Luck with that! :D It shouldn't make any difference.

Author:  wjajr [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Heater hose routing varies by year somewhat. Make sure there is enough slack in heater hoses to alow easy valve cover removal for periotic valve lash adjustment.

If you get high quality plug wires they won't leak electrons.

Author:  Serj22 [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 8:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

My plug wires hang out in space between the body and motor, but are not bracketed to anything. The vacuum advance line goes across the valve cover and to the carb, and the two heater hoses went parallel to the valve cover. I know if you redo the solid fuel line with a flexible one, that winds up draped across the cover as well.

Author:  Fatlip [ Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Thank you

Thanks for all of your info. I feel a bit more at ease with our setup. I will just get some longer heater hose and route it differently.

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