Slant Six Forum

8 3/4 sounds like an F1...
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Author:  BigBlockBanjo [ Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  8 3/4 sounds like an F1...

Hello all, back from the shadows. I finally got the ol' 72 Dart back on the road, and after fixing what 6 years of sitting can do, I can say that I've missed driving it.
Now while it was sitting, I found a great deal on a 8 3/4 Sure-Grip to bolt in place of my sickly 7 1/4. I haven't driven the car with the new axle assy until this weekend. I expected cruising to be hindered with 3.91 gears (was 2.76), but it sounds like the title describes. At 60 it doesn't matter if the windows are up or down; you can't hear thunder for the axle noise! I pulled the chunk, gears look fine, I adjusted the lash to spec, and put it all back together. Better below 20 mph, same wailing any higher. From what I've gathered, the gears were probably not setup right (aka before I got em) and have "lapped" wrong. Sound about right? Any tips on rebuilding? I know some pros are here.? Oh, and I went
from 22 to 13 mpg with just the axle swap. No further adjustment to carb or timing yet. Around 3000 @ 55. :? But I can bounce the headlights with the go pedal at that same speed. 8)

Author:  Mr Zeal [ Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

You mentioned lash, but did not mention your "picture", that is, the actual meshing of the gears in terms of how high the pinion is riding on the ring. Did you check that?

Author:  wjajr [ Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh, and I went
from 22 to 13 mpg with just the axle swap. No further adjustment to carb or timing yet. Around 3000 @ 55.

Sort of like never shifting out of second gear.

I have 3.55 gears in an 8 3/4 Suregrip, and on a trip that constant 3000 rpm at 60 mph becomes a bit too buzzy. I do get 18.5 mph with it though.

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Go find another center section to swap-in, while you spend some time re-setting the 3.91s ( sounds like it has the wrong pinion depth spacer)
Look for a 3.23 or a 2.94 ratio

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