Slant Six Forum

gear selector shaft seal 904
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Author:  Syleng1 [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  gear selector shaft seal 904

Has anyone ever replaced the gear selector shaft seal(s) on a 904 IN the car before? My auto is perfectly dry except for that dang seal leaking oil at rest. It is only getting worse. I hate to pull the valve body down, but it is looking like I have no choice. I did not know if there was a tool or a way to do it in car with little parts removal besides the linkage.


Author:  Romeo Furio [ Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:26 am ]
Post subject: 

You could try to pull the linkage and use a aul to remove the seal. The hard part is to get the new seal in. Drop the rear crossmember and you may have some room to work. :cry:
I know guys that do it this way. But for me I pull the pan and remove the valve body, remove the seal and with a homemade tool install the seal drawing it down as even as I can. Those pesky seals just can't deal with the flood of fluid when the converter drains down from sitting.

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