Slant Six Forum

Centerlink query....
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Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Apr 13, 2003 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Centerlink query....

I was doing some cleanup in my shed, and decided I was going to e-bag a 1974 Dart V-8 centerlink I had laying around. I layed it on top of an OEM Feather Duster centerlink and found the 1974 V-8 version is the same. i then had to check my Feather and my 74 Space Duster, and they both have the same. I thought the /6 version was supposed to have a shallower 'relief' in it, but did the mopar bean counters nix the /6 centerlink from 1974-1976 for cost sake? :?

Here's a quick pic, I couldn't get them to sit on top of each other, so they are a bit skewed, the top one is the V-8 version, the bottom one is a 1976 Feather Duster version...


Anyone have an answer for my trivial curiosity :?:



Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sun Apr 13, 2003 7:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

1964 and 1965 "A" body center links are different V-8 or six. Before 1964 no V-8 available, so only six cyl straight link. I don't know how far back are the same.
1966 "A" body center links are the same, V-8 or six. 1967 and up "A" body center links are longer then the 1966 and earlier links, but are the same V-8 or six. The 64-65 V-8 and all 66 links will interchange for a V-8 installation on 66 and earlier "A" bodies.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Apr 13, 2003 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Thanks Charlie...


I always hear the local V-8 guys say that you need to swap the whole front end to get a V-8 into a /6 car....I wonder if they just assume that the centerlink is different too....

cool trivia and info, thanks!


Author:  Charrlie_S [ Mon Apr 14, 2003 6:19 am ]
Post subject: 

It is necessary to swap "K" members, on the 67 and newer "A" bodies, only. The 66 and older "A" bodies use the same "K" member, for the six and V-8.

Author:  kesteb [ Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

The usage of the V8 centerlink allows you to more easily use the F-body oil pans in the 65-65 A-bodies. There is about an 1" clearance, otherwise the oil pan rests on the centerlink.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Apr 14, 2003 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Interesting...

nice to know, thanks kesteb.

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