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Getting close
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Author:  Valleyant [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Getting close

I am getting close to collecting all the bits to Turbo My '74 Duster with 198. To cut to the chase does anyone have any advice reference using a Holley 2280 or Carter BBD on a draw through application or preference?
I will be using a Garrett T03 turbocharger from a 2.2 Chrysler application. This turbo was a draw through design to begin with.
I am making a custom carburetor Pad to mount to the inlet of the compressor.
It's not going to be a strip terror, just a nice torque monster on the street with similar boost levels as a factory 2.2 turbo approx. 10psi. and no intercooler obviously.
I'm aware of the Distributor needing a recurve, adapting a trans kickdown cable because of relocated carb and adding water/oil feed/return lines etc.....
I'd like to go this route (draw through) to simplify things.
thxs in advance!

Author:  Junior [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

for the carb. if you are making a custom plate why not go with a better carb all together like a holley 2300? out of the two you have listed in my experience running both n/a they are pretty much the same. i never noticed any real difference when i switched them.

for the turbo. sounds a little small. i understand you arent going to be racing but it will be short winded. probably be out of steam @3500rpm. by out of steam i mean it may not rev much past that let alone with any kind of power. it will just be a restriction in the exhaust. if you are cool with that then go for it. something to consider would be what rpm you are turning on the highway at what speed.

Author:  Valleyant [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Junior!
I was thinking also about using the holley 2300....especially nice since there are 350 and 500 cfm versions which may help in tuning.
Also there are a lot of cheap and larger turbos out there that may be better suited to the size engine (198cid) but will have to find or covert them to work for draw through.
I think I will stay with the original planned turbo and get all the ancillary systems in place and see how it runs ......can then mod the turbo later for better flow up top.

Author:  Dart270 [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Talk to Charles Brooks (bigslant6fan). He has used BBD and various carbs on his turbo Barracuda.


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