Slant Six Forum

Carb selection help, 2bbl or 4bbl for street/strip?
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Author:  Big Island Mopar [ Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Carb selection help, 2bbl or 4bbl for street/strip?

Hi, Great place you have here. I am currently looking for a car and I am picking up parts for a future build. I will be using a 225 with TF trans fitted with a 3000 rpm stall converter. Rear end gears will also be installed.

Clifford's website states that the Weber 2 barrel produces more hp than a 4 bbl. How can this be?

Should I use a 4bbl or a Weber 38/38 2bbl in a hot street car? Mileage is not a concern.

Thanks in advance.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Err...

this thread should be moved to the engine topic. Be careful with the Clifford site, they promise things that they can't deliver and the fine members on this board have had to pick up the pieces helping the end user fix their ride.

[url]Mileage is not a concern.

You technically if you build the engine right can have BOTH.

The dual weber setup will have it's own problems, and depending on what 4 barrel you use, if flow is the problem 4 barrels come in flavors that are much bigger than the webers can flow...not that the slant can handle that much....a single weber isn't going to create any more HP or torque than any other carb of similar size and function.

The big fun is how much carb tuning experience do you have, the weber is a different animal than the Holley or Carter/Edelbrock...

First choice among users would be the Edelbrock, minimal tuning and good mileage and performance...Holley is a decision between performance or mileage since the 390 provides better mileage but you need to do some power tuning to get the most out of it, the 600 is cheap and easy, and provides good performance at the track but will deliver mileage similar to a 360...


Author:  icepaddles [ Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Im going after a 60's quadrajet on top of a two barrel adapter. (On top a four barrel manifold) the hole is straight through two bbl design and will mount with that towards outside so middle runners will have further to flow.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Lol...

and will mount with that towards outside so middle runners will have further to flow.
On shorty manifolds there has never been any significant improvement due to the orientation of the carb, it becomes a little more important on the long ram intakes depending on if it is a street vs. all strip application....

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