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Early A-body 4 speed tunnel hump question/proposal
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Author:  MarcD [ Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Early A-body 4 speed tunnel hump question/proposal

I'm new to Mopar and this forum. I just bought a '63 Dart GT that was a 225 three speed column shift but converted in the dim dark past to an A833 with a pretty bad hack job on the floor.

The car runs/shifts/drives fine, but I really need to fix the floor; I've seen suggestions for AMD and Brewer for sheet metal or fiberglass tunnel humps. but the AMD humps are for '67 up cars and apparently Brewer lost the mold for the early A body fiberglass repros.

Does anyone here have a source for a used/repro hump? Alternately, it would be relatively easy to pull a mold from an original 64-66 A-body four-speed car provided the carpet/soundproofing was removed, then it would be simple to splash fiberglass copies, or use the mold as a template for a wood buck to hammer out alloy humps.

Is anyone out there with such a car up for an adventure? I'm semi-retired, done a fair amount of glass work in the past and live in San Francisco. I've got to believe there is a need/interest; I'm not trying to get rich, just trying to fix my car and contribute to the hobby/sport/passion/what have you.

Let's talk....

Marc in SF

Author:  65 dartman [ Thu Jun 19, 2014 2:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Got a 65 4 speed hump sitting in my 65 Dart wagon that I'll be using for my 4 speed conversion if that will help.

Author:  MarcD [ Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

That sounds like what I was hoping to find! Am I correct in assuming that the humps were welded onto a cut generic floor pan at the factory (given that the majority of Darts were probably not floor shift cars)?

If that's right, then your hump (wait, that sounds weird....) would have been cut out of a scrapped car, probably with surrounding sheet metal attatched. That would be perfect for pulling a mold from.

Can we discuss logistics? If it's not too insanely expensive, I'd be willing to pay shipping both ways if you'd be ok with shipping it to CA....what are your thoughts?

By the way, any pics available?


Author:  65 dartman [ Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

PM coming shortly

Author:  kesteb [ Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

The factory would take a torch to the floor and tack the cover in place. Then smear seam sealer all over the place. At least that was how my '64 GT was done.

The only difference between the 64-66 cover is that the shifter opening is round and the later ones are oblong.

Author:  MarcD [ Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Does this mean that the '67 and later hump as sold by AMD will fit a '63-66 floor pan? I thought the floor pan in later cars were much different

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Sort of...

Does this mean that the '67 and later hump as sold by AMD will fit a '63-66 floor pan? I thought the floor pan in later cars were much different

I know the metal one will with some rework in a 63-66, the tunnel is a little different and the curve of the hump is a little off, the 1975-1976 hump is a bit off at the back end due to the reworked driver's side floor pan for the cat convertor...

Author:  MarcD [ Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the in the field report!
This good to know; I don't need "concours correct" fit, just want the shift boot and carpet to fit well, and the shift rods to clear the hump.

Author:  kesteb [ Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

The later tunnels are slight bigger so that a A727 transmission will fit without using a BFH to "massage" the tunnel, you can also run a scatter shield with out cutting the firewall.

I would just use the later cover, mark it out on the tunnel and cut away. Then tack the new cover in and smear it with seam sealer. Most people would never now the difference.

Author:  nuttyprof [ Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:38 am ]
Post subject: 

How would it fit a 62 tunnel?

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