Slant Six Forum

leaky speedo from tranny
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Author:  '67 Dart 270 [ Thu Jul 31, 2014 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  leaky speedo from tranny

I have tranny fluid leaking from where the speedo cable goes into the tranny. I checked the seal on the speedo gear shaft, it looks good, and I replaced it anyhow, I also replaced the O-ring on the casing that holds the speedo gear in the tranny. I went back in a few weeks later, still seems to be leaking, but the new seal seems to be in perfect shape and snug around the speedo shaft.

When I put the casing back into the tranny, it is clear the O-ring is snug between the hole and casing, and again, the seal on the shaft of the speedo gear also seems snug both on the speedo shaft and against the wall of the hole it goes into (I pushed the little metal ring down against it to hold it in, it seems nice and stable not moving). I put the seal in with the open side facing away from the tranny, like one would install a front crankshaft seal in the timing cover (also tried it the other way for kicks).

Does anyone have any special tricks or tips on this area? Is there a thicker or better O-ring or seal for the shaft other than the Fel-pro's I used?

The speedo gear shaft is really clean and smooth, no burrs that I can find. I don't see any indication that the shaft has any play in the hole, seems like a good fit, tight tolerances.

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