Slant Six Forum

What rebuild Kit Carter BBD?
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Author:  BigBlue91 [ Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  What rebuild Kit Carter BBD?

Previous owner did the 2BBl/intake swap. I do not know what year or anything about the BBD I have.
Autozone has several kits listed for various years, I don't know which one is correct.

Only stamping I see is 2425.

Thanks in advance.

Author:  nm9stheham [ Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Have a you researched this on the Mike's Carburetor website? Lots of info there.....

Also, if you have not gone into the Autozone store; it might pay. I did for a Holley kit and this particular store had info in their computer with more details on the kit applications than you can find online. They sell Sorensen kits whihc are ususally reasonable, IMO.

Author:  Jerame_c [ Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Make sure that your accelerator pump plunger is not leather. the alcohol in current fuels will ruin it almost instantly, unfortunately it has been a while since i did any carter bbd or bbs carbs and I don't know who's kits come with leather and which are rubber.

Author:  amschnellsten [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:09 am ]
Post subject: 

I got a rebuild kit from oriely for my swap and picked up a t kit for a later car thinking it would be the same and it was but the accelerator pump had a different number and color. My car would not rev and when I changed it back to the original it was fine. FYI you might want to check the color and markings on the pump

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