Slant Six Forum

64 Dodge Dart; Electrical issues; ignition, headlamps
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Author:  leafnose [ Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  64 Dodge Dart; Electrical issues; ignition, headlamps

I've seen some threads in regards to grounding

And it might explain a lot

At times the car just won't start. Even though the "oil light" is bright, and I know there's a full battery charge. I've started wondering if this is a relay or a grounding issue.

The headlamps not coming on seem very separate, but the tail lights work and interior lights are working, along with the panel dimmer

Author:  wjajr [ Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Clean all ground connections starting with negative battery terminal, battery to block, head to firewall, and headlight & parking light grounding terminals.

Second clean plus side of battery terminal, lighting circuit connectors to head lamps, parking lamps, and foot operated dimmer switch.

Third, clean or replace if needed brass connectors in bulkhead connectors that are part of lighting circuits, and also charging circuit large brown & black wire passing through bulkhead connector. Then test ignition switch to be sure it is making connection to starter, start circuit that bypasses ballast resister, and run circuit.

Once all is clean, and voltage drop is eliminated lights, start, and run circuits should work. You may find that one or more conductors (wire) are in poor condition from previous overheating (melted insulation), and or green corrosion is present on wire’s copper strands; these problem wires need to be replaced with same gage to one larger gage of same color.

Find electrical diagram here for your car.

Author:  leafnose [ Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Sudden death

Very odd indeed I did go and what I thought was the ground wire to the firewall, cleaned up that spot where paint had accumulated from past years , chipped off the paint, reattached that wire

and actually got a much brighter start out of the car now
However, it's taking up just suddenly dying while running
Never knew about ground wire before reading here

Think it's the culprit?

Author:  Dart270 [ Thu Oct 16, 2014 7:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

It could also be loose terminals on the ammeter. Disconnect the battery, then crawl under the dash and tighten the wires. If loose, they can do goofy things and kill power to the whole car and/or prevent starting. If the ammeter is bad, you can just put both ammeter wires on one of the terminals and see if that fixes your troubles.

Happy Slanting,


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