Slant Six Forum

Fix a Burn
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Author:  bigandbulky [ Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Fix a Burn

Not long go I had just had my 1980 D150 break down on me after crawling from my old house to my new one. I found a burn rotor button so I replaced with cap. Drove fine for a little bit.

One fine sunny day It acted like it had no power. would start and idle but no go. Only for a few mins. Then once I started it and drove it to the service station for an MVI it stalled on the way back. I tried starting it but it did the same thing then it wouldn't start then while trying to start it. (it has been a hard started for a while sometimes you have to manually push the choke closed)

Then smoke came from under the hood and the wire harness from the EGR delay timer to the vacuum hose and oil switch all burnt. The back of the unit was melted and the electric ignition control unit looked melted and bubbled.

Changing parts and replacing wires is a pain but not complicated.

Were is the best part to purchase a delay timer? (rock auto has some)

How do I determine the delay for my unit?

What else should I check for damage?

Author:  Jerame_c [ Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

definitely check the dist pickup wires and the hot and ground wires from the coil, they run through the same bundle on that side as the oil pressure gauge IIRC.

Author:  bigandbulky [ Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I hope these work these are pictures of some affected components.

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