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Offenhauser Dual carb manifold and Carter Weber 2bbl jetting
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Author:  spacecommander [ Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Offenhauser Dual carb manifold and Carter Weber 2bbl jetting

Help wanted with the Carter/Weber progressive 2bbl carbs from langdon Stovebolt on an offenhauser dual carb (2 x 1bbl) manifold. Do they work out of the box? jetting changes? I know this HAS been done before as stated here - but nobody said what was really needed to get them working. They have electric chokes - I despise electric chokes so hopefully can convert to t manual - but as-is - do they need to be re-jetted for use on a 225 with mild cam, ported head and headers? I have the 2bbl/1bbl adapter pair - but think just machining the manifold for the 2bbl carbs and installing new studs will be easier - some carb heat will be provided and there is more under-hood clearance. As it sits now - I have both this dual carb setup AND a 390cfm Holley re-jetted and ready to go on an Offenhauser 4bbl manifold. The 4bbl setup works - have used it twice before - but would really like the look of 2 carbs. ;-)

Author:  Joshie225 [ Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Buy a wideband oxygen sensor and have at it! Bring lots of patience and extra money for jets. I'm moving away from carburetors myself.

Author:  spacecommander [ Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Buy a wideband oxygen sensor and have at it! Bring lots of patience and extra money for jets. I'm moving away from carburetors myself.
I was thinking of the O2 sensor on the dash . . . .

Want carbs - if this were a power/drivability build - FI all the way. Hmmm. Maybe dummy carbs and FI? :lol:

Author:  Mark Murray [ Sat Sep 27, 2014 10:33 am ]
Post subject: 

I have been running dual carb setup for 5 yrs . Mild Erson cam, headers, dual 2 inch exhaust . It has worked perfect with stock carb jets or 2 sizes leaner . With headers do not need any added heat and i dont use any choke runs perfect after about 1-1/2 minute warm up at high idle. I have 65 dart wagon 223 gear gets 23 MPG at 2,900 rpm. With highway gear maybe 25-28 mpg possible . I run 16.20 consistent with it and weights 3,305 lbs with me in it . I do not believe 4 barrel works nearly as good . Ive race with Killer Bees Racing for 5 yrs with this set-up runs awesome. Mild 2000 rpm stall converter . Going to buy a 2600-2800 stall this winter. I am running 2 1barrel Holley 1920 carbs. I would love to have webers, maybe someday. I hope this helps .

Author:  spacecommander [ Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks! Sounds like you have a good setup. I will figure out some way to get a cold air intake rather than underhood.

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