Slant Six Forum

170 rebuilt - oil leaking from the top end- what the hey??
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Author:  Eatkinson [ Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  170 rebuilt - oil leaking from the top end- what the hey??

I had posted that the first startup on the 170 was hard. Well got past that, so deleted that post. Seems the dizzy IS in the right relationship to #1 and it just needed a bit of running in for awhile.

First issue is what appears to be an aggressive oil leak from the top end. I don't know how else to describe it. Looking on the distributor side, oil was just cascading in a small stream down that side of the engine in one particular place. Made sure the gasket was in place - something odd I've never noticed about the valve cover on this thing - no notches to pin the gasket in place to the valve cover. Tightened the cover as much as should be necessary to compress the new rubber gasket and keep things in place.

Nope, didn't work at all. Saw oil streaming down the side of the engine.

Popped the cover off, started the engine and observed copious oil at each rocker. That's all good - original pump is working nicely. But right where I was seeing oil stream down the side of the engine, I see more oil than on any other rocker bolt just kind of 'spraying' from around the bolt shoe, in rhythm with the rocker next to it. Thought something might not be tight - tightened all the rocker bar bolts. Nope, that didn't help anything. So odd - none of the other bolts have oil spraying aggressively from around them.

Thought I might have a cracked rocker or something. Can't find anything on either of the rockers surrounding said rocker bolt.

So confused. I know it's good for the top end to get a good amount of oil, but this is literally overflowing and I can't see anything out of place.

Anyone have any pointers or tips? I will put the cover back and make absolutely sure the gasket is exactly where it needs to be.

Author:  nm9stheham [ Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:26 am ]
Post subject: 

I have had 1 or 2 rocker 'bolt shoes' get a tiny bit twisted when being tightened down and not sit on the rocker shaft properly. Had to loosen them and then retighten carefully to get them in a straight up position. So, it might be that or a similar issue with that rocker bolt shoe; perhaps it is a bit flattened or notched somehow. I owuld pull it up and another and compare them to see if you can spot anything odd.

Regardless, it seems like the gasket should hold it in anyway....

Author:  Eatkinson [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Fixed the oil leaking issue, thanks. Turned out to be a combination of a few different things - a bolt w/shoe that hadn't been torqued all the way because there was crap in the bolt hole, preventing the bolt from bottoming correctly + a slightly overfilled crank case. With these two issues taken care of, no more copious splash.

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