Slant Six Forum

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Author:  W150ramheD [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Help!!

Ok I have a 11in flywheel that I pulled off of my 85 w150(4x4 ram truck) it has the np-435 4speed with grant 1st I have tried everything I could thank of from old vans and big trucks at the parts store 11in disc fits smooth but on the edges of the flywheel it is raised up and I can't find a pressure plate to fit I've tried everything from the vans to the big trucks and none of them have the raised edge someone help me please I've Been without a ride for two weeks now cuz I can't find what I need to finish this project has anyone seen a flywheel like this and what would it have came off of

Author:  W150ramheD [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Has anyone heard or seen of a flywheel for a six that's got the raised edges

Author:  Reed [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 4:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pictures would help.

Author:  W150ramheD [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Been trying to post pics and everything else to this site sence I joined but don't got a computer I have a iPhone, I found out that dodge updated the flywheel to a flat one n the 90 and have discontinued my raised one so I was told I'll never find a clutch for it and I'm about tired of walking

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have 4 SL6 11 inch flywheels and none of them have a "raised edge".
One of the flywheels I have shows a lot of wear on the contact surface and has a .020 or so 'depression', where the disc wore into the flywheel's contact "face".
How tall is your "raised edge"?

Author:  W150ramheD [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Discontinued

It was a special flywheel only givein for 3 yrs I read but n 1987 they changed the entire flywheel/clutch designs for the /6+np435+4x4 (rare bird I know) I gotta get a new FLAT 11in flywheel 131 tooth and 11in 23tooth raised diaphragm pressure plate, I pray that the starter I got will still work

Author:  W150ramheD [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Old flywheel

It wasn't depressed by the matting it was called a 2step clutch by machinest cuz if u regrind the mateing surface gotta regrind each of the bolt hole stud deal, still trying to figure out to put pics up I no it'd be a lot simpler

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