Slant Six Forum

Holley 2280 carb parts
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Author:  hideogumperjr [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Holley 2280 carb parts

Hey guys, I am looking to replace a damaged needle/seat and accelerator pump piston for my 2280 model R-8431.

I found replacement parts at but did not see my model # listed. Because my model was not listed I contacted Mike and he says I need a full kit ( ... p_797.html) to get the parts I need because the parts I need are not available separately only in the kit and I am wondering about the brand and quality of kit.

I only see a couple of hits here on the site for this website, has anyone had experience with Mike and his parts ?


Author:  xjarhead [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have bought gaskets from him and was pleased with parts and service.


Author:  hideogumperjr [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 6:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Dave and thanks for your service.
USAF 67-72

Author:  nm9stheham [ Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:19 am ]
Post subject: 

I have had good experience with Mike's Carb's. I ordered a kit and a float and the float was the wrong weight (mixed in the bins I suppose). I had ordered the original kit from WA state to VA and paid for 3 day air shipping. They sent the right float ALSO BY 3 DAY AIR and I did not even ask for the expedited shipping. I was impressed. Parts quality seems good and they tend pack in a few things like some welch plugs that you do not normally get.

You can also try Walker and Sorensen (Autozone sells Sorensen, I believe); maybe you can get the part itself from Walker.

Author:  hideogumperjr [ Wed Oct 08, 2014 6:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I ordered the kit from Mike and got it the next day being in Bothell, Wa. Unfortunately it was for a Weber carb accidentally picked from stock. I called that day and got the correct kit next day with prepaid postage to return the incorrect kit.
In the meantime I pulled the Stromberg WW I had on the car and found that the base of the carb was dented somehow. I realized there was a large vacuum leak causing my idle problems and when I tried to straighten out the base it cracked off the piece so carb is toast.
I put the accelerator pump and needle in and took it out and put it on the car and fired it up and good lord it runs so well! I am so happy with it now. Much better power and performance and when I pull up to a stop sign or stop light the car idles wonderfully! I am so dang happy with the way it is running now I could kiss a goat!
Now to find a 45° flared 45° elbow 1/8" npt x 5/16" fitting for the other tranny cooler line and get it replaced and go on to the next thing to fix!

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