Slant Six Forum

D100 Utiline
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Author:  Chad Coats [ Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  D100 Utiline

After 20 years my 67 d100 utiline's 225 slant six cranked. It was a chore and I need parts but it ran. Minimal smoke for a few seconds and then it ran great. Its on blocks for now. But the engine ran si I cant tell you how excited I am. The ignition was froze up and I had to put in a push button jumper from the coil to the alternator to the battery. The gas tank is full of rust so I gravity fed into the carb from a boat motor gas tank. But it ran. I'm driving 5 hours back home this weekend with everything to overhaul brakes, master cylinder and slave clutch. This is aproject but I am at work and cannot think of anything but the truck!

Author:  obakemono [ Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:16 am ]
Post subject: 

I went through the same ordeal with my '71. It is worth it. I would run the engine for about 50 miles with marvel mystery oil in the oil, then do a oil/filter change (if you did not already do it). Take your time and it will run great. BTW, I found a place that sell a disk brake kit for 57-71 dodges (truck and cars).

Author:  Metal Turkey [ Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm just starting a renovation of a 1966 Dodge D100 pickup that has not run for 26 years, like you I'm excited about the project. I elected to pull the engine and have it rebuilt. I would appreciate any advise you may have to offer regarding your project and I will be happy to provide any info I come by as I work my way through mine.

Metal Turkey

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