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PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 2:01 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 4:53 pm
Posts: 4295
Location: Gaithersburg MD
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The dash board will not open up, so I h can select no tuning options. There are 4 tabs visible in the opening screen that has the EFI Analytics Logo on it. I can select some preferences here such as what gets saved and opened upon start up and shut down, but nothing else is available.

The button for the dash board will not respond. I opened a working copy of Tuner Studio from my desk top, and it worked fine. I then copied the install program onto a flash drive, and ran the install on the laptop. It ran, and installed another icon on the desk top, however, they both have the same bug in them, which leads me to think it is the machine and not the software. Other programs run OK however. That would be excel, and Word as well as a data base program.

What do you think is going on? Last time I drove the car a week ago, I turned off the O2 sensor to do auto tune ,. It runs OK but with fairly lean AF ratios. I notice no drivability issues even in this cold. Until I get this worked out I can do no tuning. Does anybody know if there is an app for an iPad with Blue Tooth? I know there is a Blue tooth module available for the com port on the ECU.

I would wonder if I selected an option that hides the dash board, except both versions installed on the same machine behave the same way.

Thanks. Sam


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:45 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 4:53 pm
Posts: 4295
Location: Gaithersburg MD
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I have spent about two hours playing around with the laptop off line and here is the situation now:
1. I can find the project folder and all the 64 tune files that have been saved using Windows Explorer search engine. But when I try to look for it in the folders using Windows explorer, it does not show up. The path has somehow been truncated. The path according to the search is C\Documents and Settings\Sam\recent\tunerstudio porjects/Dart_230.The folder "recent" is nowhere to be found in the path.
2. Consequently Tuner Studio cannot find it either.

I was able to open the current tune briefly by dragging it from the search window into the projects folder. But after a few goes of this, it failed. At first it would ask me if I wanted to open a temp file, and when I clicked yes, it would open my file. Then after a few successful tries, it says it cannot find that file, even though I can see it in the windows explorer view.

So I am currently lost. I guess I will try to download a new, later version of tuner studio, but am unsure of making that work. I never now what choices to make with the inevitable dialogue boxes that open up. It seems I should delete all the current files on the laptop maybe, except the current tune file, or copy it onto a flash drive, but when I tried to delete a file from the windows explorer folder view, it responded that it could not find the file to delete it.

Maybe I should reload the operating system at this point. I am kind of at a loss here.

I know this is hard for you to figure out at a distance, listening to the babbling of a computer dummy. Any advice will be appreciated. Fortunately the car runs fine for now.


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:40 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 4:53 pm
Posts: 4295
Location: Gaithersburg MD
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I finally got Tuner STudio working again. The fix was to uninstall Tuner Studio, reinstall it, and load an old,( saved on a flash drive), copy of the project folder for the Dart into Tuner Studio. It loaded OK, and then proceeded to find the folder each time I closed it and opened it after that.

Once I had it working again, I tried to re- open the apparently corrupted files after that it would not load it, and gave me an error message that said certain configuration files were not present. So they are history. I suppose the Current Tune .msq might work, but did not try that.

When opening Tuner Studio for the first time again after hooking up to the ECU it will state there are differences between the ECU and the file in the computer and will ask me to select which one to use. I must be certain to select the current ECU configuration to save the files now being used by the ECU. They run fine and reflect quite a bit of recent tuning.




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