Slant Six Forum

/6 727 adapter
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Author:  Marksman [ Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  /6 727 adapter

Hey everyone, first time posting here.

I want to find a /6 727 adapter plate. I'm getting a 225 for free on Saturday for helping a guy out a little and have already started to contemplate some ideas.

The engine needs to be rebuilt so I'm going to build a high torque engine to go (probably) in a 77 D200 that I've got. I want to build it and stick a 518 behind it to gain the OD, hence the need for the adapter. I'm hoping to gain some mileage while still being able to pull a trailer.

First, does this idea sound at all reasonable?

Second, does anyone have one they'd like to get rid of? I read that someone was fabricating a plate to sell but I haven't found anything indicating that that project was ever completed.

I know a 360 or a BB would be better for a truck application, but i like doing things differently sometimes.


Author:  scraigallen [ Sun Feb 22, 2015 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  727

I have a 727 for slant six that I will be removing soon. If you were closer to NC I would be glad to sell the whole thing. When removed that is.

Thanks, Craig :D :D

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