Slant Six Forum

2003 All Mopar Show at Roberson Motors, etc...
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Author:  DusterIdiot [ Thu May 08, 2003 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  2003 All Mopar Show at Roberson Motors, etc...

July 19th in Salem, Oregon is the All Mopar Show at Roberson's Motors on Mission Street.
Public welcome from 10am-4pm, if you wish to show your car you have to register from 9-noon (it fills up pretty quickly...)@ $15 per car to show. Admission is free for spectators, but parking can be limited.

66Dart and I are 'concocting' a plan as follows and any board members are welcome to attend:

8am Meet for breakfast at Newport Bay restaurant (Salem,OR).

9-10am any of us that wish to show at Roberson's should register and get a spot.

1pm 66Dart and I will be leaving the show and everyone from the board is graciously invited to a BBQ/late lunch at the DusterIdiot pad. We figure this would be better than a dinner so anyone with a long commute can get home at a 'reasonable' hour.

Please RSVP before July 1st, so we can get a final head count for reservations at Newport Bay, and/or so we can get food and drinks for the BBQ.

email DusterIdiot at for an RSVP for breakfast and/or BBQ. Let us know so we can get the logistics defined(headcount), and so I can e-mail reminders and directions in late June and button up the final details.

looking forward to meeting many of you face to face... :)


Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Jul 07, 2003 3:39 pm ]
Post subject: call!

This is a bump and a final call, I need your RSVP by Saturday so I can get some grub accounted for, and get the reservation in for Newport Bay in the morning.

Looking like everything is a 'GO' for launch.

talk to you soon, directions and details will be e-mailed,



Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Jul 12, 2003 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Last Call....

anyone else.....

so far it looks like it will be a small and pleasant day, maybe we'll get more at the next one....



Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Here are some Highlights!

I want to personally Thank Bruce Johnson, Brett, and 66Dart for one of the best days I've ever had, it was a blast, wish we had more time to visit, but everybody had a long day (and a long drive for some). I definately think we should somehow work on a plan to get Doc and one of his cars up here for the Roberson's Show and Shine, then the Woodburn All Mopar Drags on Sunday...(maybe he can teach us all how to 'fly' down the quarter mile)....

My favorite conversation of the day:

Guy "It's a slant six with 2, two barrels!" (pointing at 66Dart's Weber Setup)
Wife "It's a slant six..."
Guy "Slant Sixes are good though..."
Wife "But they have NO POTENTIAL!!!" (Looking at the 440 Charger next to my car...)
DusterIdiot "Charley Myers just ran a 9.93 second 1/4 mile at 132 mph with a slant six a couple weeks ago, I think they have plenty of potential...besides I like a car that's balanced and can hug the road, not a car with 1000lbs of iron over the front K-member that can't corner for crap...Oh well, pass you at the pump and in the corners!!!!"

Here are some pics from the day:

Jack Poehler's 64 Valiant:


Jack's Aspen R/T


66Dart on the right and my Feather Duster...


That's DusterIdiot and 66Dart...the shades were a disguise. :wink:


Back at the homefront, the Office of Strategic Slant Services was sharing, planning, devising, eating, having fun... The guy in the Hawaii is the Idiot, to the right of me is Brett, to the left in the hat is 66Dart(Matt), and last but not least is Bruce Johnson....


And here's the lineup in front of the house, Brett has some better shots I think, hope he posts them later... :D

From left to right are: Bruce's Truck (it's very cool), Brett's Dart, My Feather Duster, Matt's 66Dart....


definately have to do this next year, see if we can get some more slanter's involved, or try for some Drags....

What an Awesome Day!!!! :D


Author:  mighty mouse 63 [ Sat Jul 19, 2003 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  maybe next year

Duster idiot looks as if you know how to entertain. Have the motor out of the 63 for complete redo, but who knows might make to your neck of the woods next year just to say that my CA plates are ligit and help dispell the notion that slants can't run with the best of them...........Dave

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Jul 19, 2003 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Would be cool....

While waiting for some guys to show up before breakfast, we noticed a pristine '65 Dart GT at the local Phoenix Inn across the way...we later caught up with the guy, he was cool. I would definately be able to help guide/ direct anyone up and help you get some lodging.

The get together was totally laid back, no pressure, lots of information shared, and fun.... (unlike some of the V-8 guys I've hung around with).

This kind of thing puts the slant crowd well over the others...I even answered questions at the show about Dusters and Slant Sixes, pointed people to our websites, and was thanked many times for my knowledge...

I even got to shake hands with Galen Govier (he was a pretty laid back guy, doesn't get to our neck of the woods that often though...).

Author:  Brett K [ Sat Jul 19, 2003 8:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, I dunno if I'd say I got better ones or not... but here's what I've got. Personally I had a blast, though the drive was a bit much (4 hours each way). Man that truck was a kick in the pants. 8)







Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Jul 19, 2003 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Glad to see you made it home safely...

Thanks Brett, good pics!

Definately have to catch up again...


I'm gonna have to get movin' to catch up to're right that was an awesome truck...

Author:  66Dart [ Sat Jul 19, 2003 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Thanks Again Rob...

Rob, Brett, & Bruce..
Thanks for a great day and an opportunity to meet with you guys. Although there were only approx. six Slants in the show, we had a good representation from the basic stock 1 bbl to the Super Six, the 4 bbl, Duals, and Rob's HyperPack that he's finishing up....!! :)
Brett, thanks again for making the long drive down. Rob, thanks again for feeding us..!! Talk to you guys soon.

Author:  Bruce Johnson [ Sat Jul 19, 2003 11:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

There were some awesome cars there, still I' like to extend invitations next year to all of the northwest's less zoftic* enthusiast's. I asked when I registered where the slant six's were supposed to park. I was told that " we don't get enough of those" I talked to allot of people who are starting to get what we're about. I'm up for Wild Cat. Its a beutiful drive on some winding roads that would be a little awkward with a 440 up front. I must thank Rob and his wife, I felt right at home, though before I was just an Internet stranger. It was good to put faces on Matt and Bret as well, Cyber space meets 3D. Bruce J. * a term used more commonly in the 19th century refering to "Full Bodyed Women"

Author:  Bruce Johnson [ Mon Jul 21, 2003 11:35 am ]
Post subject: 

woops I ment to say "entrys" not "enthusiests" hope I didden't offend any one even tho the term zoftic was allways used as a compliment back then :oops: Bruce J.

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